Maha Fouda Maha Fouda

Maha Fouda
Elementary A 2 level


In this lesson students will read a text about study habits,deduce the meaning of vocabulary from the text, and will discuss their ideas of study habits.


Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide scan, gist and detailed reading practice using a text about study habits in the context of article about exam stress

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of study habits and exam stress


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Book closed. T. shows Ss the picture of a student who is studying and feels worry about exams. T. asks "What does this student do?" Ss: (He is studying.) T: " How does this student feel?" T. elicits the feelings, e.g. Stressed !, Worried!

Pre-Reading (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T. presents the new vocabulary worry (B1) : to think a lot about bad things. habit (B1): a thing you do regularly. relax (B1) : to stop worrying about something and feel happy. routine (B1) : things you do regularly at the same time every day. stress (B1): a feeling of worry at a difficult time (See the attached Analysing MPF) After presenting the new vocabulary , T asks Ss to work in pairs to answer questions in 1 a) Ask and answer the questions: 1- Are you a good at exams ? 2- Do you worry about exams and tests? 3- Do you study a lot for an exam or test?

While-Reading (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading task

T. divides Ss to 7 groups of 3. T.asks Ss to work in groups 1) T. Point to the text and show the following questions on the board using the data show T. asks Ss to read the questions and skim the text to find the answers through the text. T. " What is the type of this text?" Ss: (A forum) T. " What is the name of this forum?" Ss (Unichat) T. " What is the topic of this text?" . Ss: (Exam Stress) T. gets the answers of the students and make groups compare their answers with each other. 2) T. ask Ss to look at question 1b T. What does this person in picture (a) do ? Ss: He is reading / studying T. What kind of animal does she carry in picture (b)?" Ss: A rabbit T. What does this one do in picture (c)? Ss: He is listening to music Read comments 1-3 on the Unichat forum and match them with pictures a-c answers (a-3 / b-2 / 1-c)

While-Reading (9-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

T. asks Ss to work in pairs to answer 1c T. asks Ss to read the comments again in details and answer question 1c ICQs : 1) T. "Are you going to work in groups?" Ss: " No in pairs." 2) T. "Are you going to read the first comment only and answer the questions in part C?" Ss: No. We are going to read the 3 comments." 3) T. Are you going to answer only number 1 ?" Ss: "No. 1 & 2"

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T. asks Ss to work in groups to discuss their studying habits T: "Now, You are going to work in groups of 3 to discuss your studying habits. How do you feel during exam's time. How do you feel relax during your studying?" ICQs 1) T. "Are you going to work alone?" Ss: No. in groups." 2) T. "Are you going to write about your studying habits?" Ss: No we are going to talk." 3) T. "Are you going to talk about you daily routine?" Ss: No, we are going to talk about our studying habits." T. monitors Ss for any questions and motivates them to talk about themselves.

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