Qesma Alaa Qesma Alaa



Abc ppt - video
Abc Picture
Abc hand out
Abc the board

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation and a discussion in the context of making friends and meeting new people

Subsidiary Aims

  • 2- to provide listening for gist
  • 1- To provide clarification and practice of lexis in the context making friends and meeting new people


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

I'll greet the students then I'll ask them about their day at school? I'll play a video of some friends of different ages doing many activities. After watching the video I'll apply one of " kegan structure" " fan and pick" I'll divided them into groups then I'll give each one some cards. I'll ask them to speak about the questions written on the cards. Examples of The Questions:- 1- Do you think they are friends ? Why ? 2- Do you think having friends is helpful ? why? 4- What activities did they do ? I'll check their answers with whole class.

New language "useful language" (10-15 minutes) • 1- Clarify the meaning of blocking word. 2- to provide listening for gist.

I'll show students a photo of a family member in different ages . I'll use MPF to clarify the meaning . Ex : A father and a son represent two generations. * Generation Meaning: all of the people born and living at about the same time. Then I’ll ask CCQs to check their understanding. 1- Are they in the same age ? 2- Do you think they were born in the same year ? Why? 3- Who is older and who is younger in your family ? How many generations in your family? Pronunciation: /dʒɛnəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ I’ll repeat the word three times with the whole class then I’ll pick some students to pronounce the word individually. Form : (noun) I write it on the board (generation) * Communicate:- Ex: Sara communicates with her family through internet. Meaning: share or exchange information, news, or ideas. Then I’ll ask CCQs to check their understanding. 1- Can we communicate to know information about people ? 2- Why do we communicate with people? 3- How can you communicate with your friends? pronunciation: /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ I’ll repeat the word three times with the whole class then I’ll pick some students to pronounce the word individually. Form: verb I write it on the board (communicate) I'll write some questions on the board then I'll tell the students that they are going to listen to the audio then they have to work in pairs to answer the questions written on the board. I'll ask them ICQs to check their understanding 1- Will you work in pairs or individual? 2- What will you do after listening? 3- Where are the questions will you answer? After they finish I'll check the answers with the whole class.

controlled practice (5-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

I’ll give the students some questions written on handouts then I’ll ask them to work in pairs to answer the following questions in 5 minutes. Sample of the Exercise: Fill in the gaps with the following words ( communicate - generation - people - listen ) 1- They have nothing in common with the older ....................... ( generation) 2- Many people ............... using internet. ( communicate) I’ll ask them ICQs to check their understanding. 1- will you work in pairs or groups? 2- For how long will you answer the questions? 3- Are the questions on the board or on the handouts? I'll go around them and monitor their answers. After they finish I'll ask them to changes pairs and check the answers with the whole class.

Pre-speaking (8-10 minutes) • prepare students for the speaking exercise.

"Brain storming" Students will be asked to work in pairs to make a list about reasons why it is important to make friends and what are the problems they face while making friends .They need to come up with at least five reasons for each one . Then, they will change pairs and share & compare their answers. I'll use " Kegan structure ( Pair discussion) I'll ask them ICQs to check their understanding:- 1- will you work in pairs or individually? 2- How many reasons will you write? 3- What will you write about? After they finish I'll ask them to change pairs and discuss their reasons with whole class.

Semi controlled practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students' production and use of language

I'write some questions on the cards. some examples of the questions:- 1- Do you like to deal with old generation ? why ? why not? 2- Do all generation communicate using the same way ? explain? 3- Do you have friends from old generation ? Tell about him? 4- How can you communicate with different generations? 5-What activities do young generation do together? I’ll apply one of " Kegan stategy" Stand up, Hand up, Pair up:- *I tell the students to stand up and go through the class and find a partner. Once he /she finds her partner, they hand up and make a pair. *Each one of them is given a card to start asking and speaking about the questions on the card. *This will be for a limited time they can swap their sheets and share their ideas. *After they finish, they should give me thumbs up. *This task will be within 10 minutes. *I ask them some ICQs to check their understanding for the instructions. 1- How many minutes will you have to accomplish the task? 10 minutes. 2- What should you do after finishing the task? Give thumbs up. I'll go around them and monitoring while speaking and take notes.

Freer Practice (15-20 minutes) • To provide students' production and use of language

I'll show students some photos and I'll ask them to form groups and each group is given a different picture. Students discuss the picture with their groups , then a spokesperson for each group describes the picture to the whole class. I'll go around class and monitoring then taking notes of their mistakes.

PACS " Post activity correction stage (5-10 minutes) • to provide error correction and feedback

I'll write the mistakes I noticed on the board then I'll ask the students to look at the board and try to correct the mistakes. I'll ask them to work in groups to give the corrections of the mistakes. I'll check their answers with whole class.

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