heba heba

Grammer lesson
A2 level


In this lesson Ss will learn a bout " There is and There are" negative and positive form.


Abc handouts
Abc markers
Abc projector
Abc SB
Abc WB
Abc flash cards

Main Aims

  • To provide To ensure a good learning pace. To keep the lesson as Ss-centred as possible. To reduce TTT as possible. To manage the time effectively. To use effective ICQs . To use effective of CCQs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide • To provide practice of Helping the students practice using this words by right way in the context of places


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1-Write a tittle on the WB. 2-Show them some pictures about different rooms of a house. 3-Ask them about their most favorite place in their houses. 4-Let them discuss this in pairs. 5-Told to them to ask each other 3 questions about the pictures, 6-give them 5 mints to end. Make a whole class discussion about the topic. Give them ICQs 1-Are we going to work in groups or in pairs?(in pairs) 2-Do we need to write or to ask 3 questions?(just ask 3 questions)

pre-teach vocabulary. • to explain blocking words that may make it difficult for them to understand the reading text.

Through visuals and CCQs elicit and explain shops – bridges – stadium Model and drill for correct pronunciation.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Books closed, write on the board passive or negative? singular or popular? Read the complete first sentence to the class (there isn’t a metro station in the town). Point to the two questions on the board. Elicit that it’s negative and singular. Ask them to open their books on Page 144, Ex: 3.A Individually, they complete the sentences in the book. Check in pairs. Show the answer key.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1- Demonstrate Ex5a SB p.147 with the whole class. 2- Drill the questions and answers. 3- Put them in pairs so they can practice. 4- Monitor. 5- Demonstrate Ex5b SB P.147 with the whole class. 6- Ask students “How many pictures?” can you come with a question for each one?” 7- Drill the questions and answers. 8- Pay close attention to “there's” and “there’re”. 9- Drill (chorally and individually) contractions forms because joining them might be problematic for ss. 10- Put them in pairs so they can practice. 11- Monitor. 12- Elicit errors on the board, if found. Then correct with the whole class.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1- Tell the students that they’re going write 5 sentences using there is and there are. 2- Chest the handout and point to exercise. 3- Give them short and simple instructions. write your own sentences . 4- Check their understanding with ICQs: Alone or pairs? (alone) 5- Demonstrate the first one with them. 6- Give them time to finish. 7- Monitor closely to see if they need help and check for difficulties. 8- Ask them to check their answers in pairs

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Applying (Quiz quiz trade) all the students will face each other in pairs, and using cards with the negative and positive forms of(there is and there are). Students in the left side will be A the other side B. - Students will describe and explain to each other about the form in their hands, and they will exchange it together. - And they will move on gong sound, to make the trade with another student. - Set time with 5 mints. ICQs: - Are you going to discuss the card in pairs or groups? (in pairs). CCQs - Do you use there is for singular or plural?(singular) - Do you use there is in negative or positive form?(positive form) ask the same questions for (there are) -

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