Abdulrahman Sayed Abdulrahman Sayed

Used to
B1 level


In the lesson, the students will be taught the form ( used to ) and practice it in its two forms, positive and negative.


Abc handouts - pictures - board.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice the form of ( used to) in its two forms ( positive and negative) in the context of story of an engineer and students’ past habits.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To make the students practice detailed reading in a context of describing an engineer's life.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

To make speaking pair work, each pair is going to tell each other about what their childhood in 2 minutes. ICQs: 1- Are you going to speak about your dreams or your childhood? 2- Are you going to speak in group or with your pair? 3- How many minutes do you have?

Pre-teach vocabulary (2-4 minutes) • To explain blocking words that may make it difficult for them to understand the reading text.

To teach them this words ( bald ) starting by its meaning, using it in a context and showing them a photo. And to check their understanding of this word by asking CCQs. * Context: Ahmed has beautiful hair but his father does not have hair, so Ahmed’s father is .... * To show them a photo of famous bald man like The Rock. * The meaning: someone who has no hair on his head. Ex: Mustafa is bald, he hopes to have hair. * Then to clarify its pronunciation: / bɔːld / * To write its form on the board. CCQs: - Do bald people have hair on their heads? - Is this person bald? ( after showing them a photo of a man with long hair).

Gist Task (5-7 minutes) • To make the students familiar with the target language before explaining it.

* To give them handouts including this reading passage: " Ali is 29 years old. He's an engineer but he used to work as a businessman. He used to take his holidays in Istanbul but now he stays at home. He didn't use to be very healthy because he used to smoke a lot. He used to have long hair but is bald now. He used to play computer games a lot but doesn't have the time now". *To make them answer these questions. Each student will write his answers in a paper. Then, the teacher choose some students to say their answers. This activity has 6 minutes. - What did Ali use to work? - Why was Ali not healthy? - Where did Ali go in his holidays? ICQs: - Are you going to answer these questions in 5 minutes? - Are you going to work in pairs or alone? - What are you going to use to answer the questions?

Explaining the target grammar (6-8 minutes) • To make the students absorb the form ( used to ) in its positive and negative forms.

* To explain the meaning of ( used to ) using examples of the students real lives, using the board. Meaning: Something ( I ) was doing it in the past but now ( I ) do not. Examples: I used to drink coffee every morning but now I drink tea. - She used to live in London but now she lives in New York. - I didn’t use to like her but now I think she is great. - He doesn’t use to ride a bike to school. * To draw the timeline of this form, showing that the action was in the past, and it is different at present. CCQs: 1- Is this action happening now? 2- Are we talking about the past or the future? 3- Does ( he ) still do this? * To explain the pronunciation: / juːzd tuː / * To explain the form and write it on the board.. used to + infinitive

Controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • To make the students produce the target grammar focusing on it only.

* To make the students answer this activity. Each student will answer in his own sheet within 3 minutes: Complete the sentences so they are true for you: 1- My mum/dad/parents used to ... when I was a child. 2- My mum/dad/parents didn’t use to ... when I was a child. 3- My grandmother/grandfather/uncle/aunt used to ... 4- Families in my country used to ... ICQs: 1- How many minutes you have to answer? 2- Where are you going to answer? 3- Are you going to answer about yourself or your friend?

Semi-controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • To make the students produce the target grammar focusing on it and adding some words by themselves.

* To make the students answer the last activity but to write about their friends’ not about themselves. By writing 2 sentences only, following the same instructions.

Freer practice (6-8 minutes) • To make the students produce the target grammar in a free conversations.

* To make the students speak about their families’ habits in pair work. They have 6 minutes to end this activity. ICQs: 1- Are you going to write about yourself? 2- Are you going to speak in groups? 3- How many minutes do you have?

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