Emine Arikan Emine Arikan

Grammar (was/were)
Beginner level


In this lesson ,I will introduce the simple past forms of “to be” (was/were) With this lesson the students will be able to recognise the uses of Was and Were.The students will also practise how to say the years.


Abc Handout (photocopy)
Abc printed pictures
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • to introduce the simple past forms of “to be” (was/were) .

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practise how to say the years.


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set the context for the lesson

The teacher starts by asking the class a question:"How was your weekend?" . Demonstrates a picture of a Turkish film and asks: Do you know this film? When was it? Was it good/bad? Why? Who was in it?

Grammar input (6-8 minutes) • to introduce the past simple of "to be".

Teacher writes on the board singular and plural form of was/were. Singular Plural I was You were He was We were She was They were It was Then writes on the board two sentences and asks students to fill the gap. I ...........at home yesterday.(was) You ....... ill yesterday.(were) And asks two more question two more question to clarify the meaning of today and yesterday. What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?

Listening 1 (8-10 minutes) • practicing listening skills in the target language.

Teacher gives students hand outs and asks to read the sentences carefully,and think about how to change them to the past tense.Then teacher puts students in pairs and tells them to check the answers with their partners. Teacher plays the recording.Students listen and then say the sentences ,changing them to the past tense.Teacher pause each line of the recording to give students a chance to say the sentences chorally,then nominate individuals to speak. Teacher gives students hand outs and tells them to complete the text with the verb "to be" in the past.Teacher does the first as an example .Then let students check their answers in pairs.

Class Activity (6-8 minutes) • to practise saying the years

Teacher writes three important years in his/her life on the board(but doesn't write why they are important). 1984 (I was born) 2002 (I was at university) 2009 (I was in London) Then tells students to guess why the years are important to him/her.Elicit lots of guesses.If a student guesses wrong teacher says No ,I wasn't.If a students guesses right ,teacher says yes I was . Then teacher put students in small groups to think of their own important years and take turns guessing.

Listening 2 (4-5 minutes) • to practise listening for pronouncing the years

Teacher gives hand outs to students and tells to quickly read the years .Then plays the recording .Students listen and repeat the years.

Listening 3 (6-7 minutes) • to practise listening for pronouncing years

Teacher writes on the board some years(1889,1984,1926,2009,1962,1977,2014) Repeats the years as whole class. Teacher gives students hand outs and asks them to guess when the famous people were born before playing the recording.Then students listens and check their answers.

Task (3-4 minutes) • to practice using the TL

Teacher tells five or six years to the class.For example,1937,1894,2007,1607,1923,1570.Students listen and write the years they hear.After saying each year teacher asks one of the students to write the answer on the board.

Closing (5-7 minutes) • extra activity if there is time left in the class

Teacher explains that they are going to play a game called Chinese whispers ,Asks the class to sit in a circle .Teacher whisper a year in a student's ear and tells them to whisper it to the next student.and so on round the circle.When the year gets back to the original student,they tell the class whether they heard the same year as they started with.Teacher does this a number of times.

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