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grammar lesson plan
Elementary grade3 level


In this lessons students will learn how to use comparative words and comparative clauses to express the concepts of more or less and greater or lesser. students will practice using common adjectives to describe objects and then make comparisons using comparative adjectives and will distinguish among different forms of comparative adjectives and adverbs, and make comparisons using visually-supported materials. They will play comparison games and complete a comparison worksheet.


Abc People pictures( e.g from my own photo album)

Main Aims

  • To develop students ability to describe things and people and compare between them.
  • To let children gain full understanding of the new language and practice using it.
  • Make sure students learn everything they need to know about comparatives.
  • Provide students with the linguist components they will need to accomplish real word tasks.This include how to compare between different objects using adjectives in the right-socio-cultural context.
  • make sure that accomplishing a language task is more like real life language situations than performing grammar exercises

Subsidiary Aims

  • Compare and talk about different people,objects and animals.
  • preteach all the vocabulary words students will need to understand the grammar's rule (comparative adjectives)
  • To provide students with an opportunity to practice the use of and reinforce the learning of comparative adjectives via differernt activities.
  • To provide fluency practice in the freer practice activity.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the topic of the lesson and create interest in the text .To let students make first predictions about the text.ns

I will tell the students that I m going to show them photos of my album, a photo of mine from 10 years and one photo I took recently and also a picture of my sister and may be many photos of my family and friends. (Note: shown photos must be complete ones showing all the body when standing.) I 'll ask them what they think will be different,but I won't correct them at this stage . I will respond to the meaning of what they .say ,not the form and of course they may not use the structure of comparing adjectives. I will allow time for three or four suggestions.Answers will vary. Examples; Your hair was long. Now,it is short. You were thin. Now you are fat. May be your sister is young. You are not young as her. You are beautiful . Your sister is also beautiful. But sure you are beautiful. (of course they will praise me not my sister since I m their teacher , I ll show them I m happy with their comparison). Then I'll take out the photos of myself , my sister ,my relatives and my friends and walk around the class showing them to the students. I'll ask them what was different about me ‘What was different about me, do you think? 'How I'm not like my sister ? I will put the pictures upon the board and ask: What else was different about me? What else my sister and I don't have in common? I will allow more comments and suggestions from the class but I won't tell them if they are right or wrong in their expressions. Your hair is short. Your sister is very short. You have a very good smile. Your sister has a good smile ,but not like yours. You are fat. your sister is thin.

Clarification of vocabulary . (8-10 minutes) • review and teach adjectives

other answers may be expected if they know more adjectives so it is time to present new vocabulary in a context to help them with what they need to compare and to prepare them for practicing the rule and getting familiar with it. But before this I will ask them give me examples using adjectives from last lesson. they will provide some examples and correct each other if necessary. They still avoid comparing with these adjectives because the focus in the last lesson was on context and reading for comprehension not grammar. I 'll choose some good examples from the students answers and write them on the board and ask some Ccqs to check their understanding. slow: doing something without much speed . Ex; she's a very slow walker. Ccqs: Does she take a lot of time in walking? Can she walk in a little time? Can a very slow walker win a walking race? Slow contains one syllable /sləʊ/ Fast:capable of moving at high speed. /fɑːst/ contains one syllable. Ex: He is a remarkably fast runner. Ccqs: Does she spend time running? Is he admired for running so fast? Does he arrive the first in a running race. Old: having lived or existed for existed for many years? /əʊld/ contains one syllable. Ex: many old houses are falling down. Ccqs: Do old houses look good and beautiful? Is it easy to live in an old house ? Do old houses fall down because they are old? Can you live in an old house?

gist task (8-10 minutes) • Introduce students to words that end in and more plus adj and the use of than when comparing two objects

I'll put students into pairs or small groups and set an activity and give each group a set of word cards. I 'll prepare worksheets for sentences to fill in gaps with adjectives. I'll scatter the objects / photos / flashcards around the classroom (e.g. under tables, stuck to walls, on bookshelves, etc.). Students are going to match word cards to the objects around the room (see page for word cards of this lesson). I'll tell the students they must find an object or picture that represents each word card and then place that word card next to the object or picture. Also I'll explain that if the students don't know any of the words on the cards, they must guess which object to place it on. I'll set a time limit (e.g. 5 minutes) and have the pairs / groups work together to place the cards next to the objects. In this activity.Ill ask Icqs to check the children understanding of the instruction? where should you place the word cards? What would you do if you don't know any of the words on the cards? How much time do you have to fulfill the task? NOTE: I will allow and encourage students to place the word cards on other objects in the classroom, such as their bags (e.g. for heavy, old, colorful, etc.). Once the time is up, I 'll get all the students to sit down in their groups. I'll ask different students to bring up the objects with their word cards and place them at the front of the class (e.g. on a table). For each object, I 'll give a point to the team with the correct word card (e.g. a long pencil with the word card "long"). If there are any objects without a correct word card, teach the word for that object. The team with the most points at the end is the winner. I have already prepared sentences with different objects and made gaps to fill in with adjectives. I have also highlighted the word "than" with red color to get the students familiar with the use of it. Now the children should put adjective in the gaps l'll model turning common root adjectives into comparative and superlative adjectives (examples: funny, hot, happy, big, good, etc.) Ask them to think about what is the same and what is different about the items. Have them discuss with a partner before sharing with the class. Give out the "Adjectives & Comparatives Pictures" worksheet to each student. Students continue to work in their same teams. Ask them to think about what is the same and what is different about the items. Have them discuss with a partner before sharing with the class.

Clarification (meaning , examples, pronunciation and form of the target structure . (6-8 minutes) • Identify examples of comparatives .Complete modeled sentences ..Identify and creatively explain or illustrate different uses of comparatives. students try to understand the usage of the language and the rules of the target language.

I have already prepared sentences with different objects and made gaps to fill in with adjectives. I have also highlighted the word "than" with red color to get the students familiar with the use of it. Now the children should put adjective in the gaps l'll model turning common root adjectives into comparative and superlative adjectives (examples: funny, hot, happy, big, good, etc.) Give out the "Adjectives & Comparatives Pictures" worksheet to each student. Students continue to work in their same teams. Ask them to think about what is the same and what is different about the items. Have them discuss with a partner before sharing with the class. As students are working on their worksheets circulate and help out. When everyone has finished, go through the worksheet by eliciting and writing the answers on the board. Write them on the board as they are mentioned, placing the words in two columns: -er (e.g., stronger, taller, hungrier) and more (more modern, more athletic). Do not label the columns. Add more examples by comparing students and/or objects in the class. When you finish listing comparatives, ask students to come up with the reason that some words are in the first column and some are in the second (long or short adjectives / adverbs). Make sure you focus on the following: spelling of heavier ("y changes" to "i") look at the comparative adjectives in the first column they end by? students answer by er . All of them? no an adjective ends with ier what is the letter before ier ?y so the word ending in y changes to ...,?ier do the same training with the spelling of bigger and irregular form of good (better) and bad (worse) I 'll introduce the comparative form of irregular adjectives ex bad worse* good better here I have to ask for examples . after finishing with the first column practice with the long words that have more than one syllable. here I need to use the syllable counting with a clap for each syllable to explain that for those words we use "more" Next, place two "expensive" object pictures on the board. Write "expensive" under one and then ask what should be written under the other. You will probably get the answer "expensiver" - here teach the other and write form (more expensive). Then, do another more + adj on the board. ask them to look for the word "than" in red and point that a comparative adjective is usually used before it . I'll ask Ccqs questions to check children understanding before moving to controlled practice: when do we use comparative adjectives? what do we need to put after a comparative adjective t? how does the adjective ending in y change after using the comparative form? Do we add er to words with more than two syllables? What word will we use with long comparative adjectives?

controlled activity (6-8 minutes) • practice the new language in a limited form. here the focus is on developing accuracy rather than fluency

Provide the corrected degree of comparison of adjectives in the parenthesis to complete the following sentences 1)she .is (short) than her brother. 2) The Jone's family is (rich) than the Smith family. 3)My room is (clean) than hers. 4) his cell phone is (expensive )than mine. 5) the girl is (pretty) than her sister. Ask the pupils to fill in the blanks with the correct degree of comparison of adjective. Use the given adjective at the left. here no need to elicit blocking words since students are familiar with the rules of comparative adjectives .they have already encountered similar words forms. yet I introduced new words that they need to use in their life .so Ican ask them to serach for meanings after. (healthy) 1. Julius is ________ than Randy. Jasmine is the _______ of them all. (neat) 2. My hair is ________ than yours. (bright) 3. Which star is the _______ among that you saw last night? (delicious) 4. The cake I ate at this bakeshop is _________ than the cake I ate at home. (powerful) 5. Is the president ________________ than the vice-president?

semi controlled practice . (6-8 minutes) • Students have the chance to somewhat personalize the language drawing on past studies,interests,and needs

Write three sentences each using the following adjectives. Be sure to use their positive, comparative degree. 1) cheap. 2) long 3)fun 4) courageous

freer practice (8-10 minutes) • The activity gives students more choice about the language they can use to complete the activity and express themselves. The aim is for students to get the message across and speak more naturally and fluently – using the target language where appropriate

Task description: Each student writes a description of someone in the class. The descriptions are read out, or Ss read each description in a gallery read. Then everyone guesses who the person is

Assessement and Follow up. • review and teach adjectives .

For homework, have students write a given number of comparative and/or superlative sentences based on things they find in their homes, books, neighborhood, or imaginations. ​ Check completed homework assignments for correct sentence structure and grammar. Re-teach as needed. Point our comparative and superlative words as they come up in class discussion and whole group reading.

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