said zaouda said zaouda


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Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson studdents would be able to write a letter that describes one's family and their intrest

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end students will have put into practice their reading in detail sub skill and their speaking skills as well


Pre-reading (5-8 minutes) • Entice students' about reading the text and moreover make assumptions about it.

- teacher will show the students a picture of Wales flag and ask them about whether they know the country and its city.

While-reading (10-15 minutes) • Read for details

- Will read the text for the first time and then he will ask some students to read it as well. - Teacher will read out the questions and explain them if neccessary. - Teacher will ask studdents to answer by false or true the questions and check in pairs later on. - whole class feedback.

Post-reading and pre-writing (15-20 minutes) • Enhance studdents' speaking skills and provide them with materials they can use in the while writing stage

- Teacher shows the students a video about weekend activities. - Students extract activities from the video and tell them to the teacher, the latter will make a kind of mind map cloud out of them and ask students to write down on their books. - Teacher write down a dialogue on the board * x : Good morning * y : Good morning * x : What do you do at the weekend. * y : At the weekend, I watch tv and surf the internet, and you . * x : At the weekend, I visit my grandparents and go the cinema. * y : Have a good weekend. * x : have a good weekend too.

While-writing (10-15 minutes) • Students write the first draft

- Using the information provided students write their first draft. - Teacher monito. - students check in pairs.

Post-writing (8-12 minutes) • Compare

- The teacher write on the board a model letter for the students to compare to the one they have written and to copy it later on their notebooks

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