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Comparing smatphones and tablets
elementary grade3 level


In this lesson,students will learn about the difference between tablets and smartphones based on a reading text as an Online Hotline IT advice. The lesson starts with a discussion about the use of electronic devices and followed by a reading text where students answer different questions either individually or in pairs or groups . Finally,there is some practice through speaking activity.


Abc Cambridge English Empower Elementary book ,smartphones,tablets and worksheets

Main Aims

  • To develop reading for comprehension skills.
  • To make stronger the use of the language they already know.I will do this by practicing further or revising what they have learned before.
  • To develop students skills of reading for gist and specific information in the context of an Online Hotline IT advice that discusses smartphones and tablets differences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Pre-teach vocabulary necessary for understanding the reading text.
  • Compare and talk about smartphones and tablets.


Warm up / Lead in (5-8 minutes) • Introduce the topic.

T introduces the lesson by bringing in "Realia" (real objects) related to the lesson . T show two devices : a smartphone and a tablet and stand them up so as to be clearly seen by the whole class . T asks students if any of them has ever used these devices before. T encourages students to relate their personal experience where relevant . T proposes the following questions: Which object is bigger than the other? Which object is smaller than the other?

Pre- reading stage (10-15 minutes) • helping the students develop receptive skills and pre-teaching vocabulary that appears in the written text and may prevent understanding .

T chooses new and difficult vocabulary words from the text and writes them on the board. T pre -teaches those words ( advice,light ,heavy cheap ,expensive ) and reviews them with students. After explaining the vocabulary words T asks Ss to give examples and chooses some of them and writes them on the board. then asks them questions about the words to check their understanding. Ex1 : she gives her friend advice to study day and night before the exam. did she give her friend opinion of what she should do before exam? what did she tell her to do before exam? do you give your friends advises when they need them? Ex2 the bag was so heavy .it was full of clothes. was the bag easy to use with so clothes in it? what made the bag difficult to use? when do you wear heavy clothes? T should mention here that what is light is not heavy. Ex3 :gold jewelleries are expensive. do people pay a lot of money to buy jewellery? what do we need to buy jewellery ? do you spend a lot of money to buy expensive things? T should mention that what is not expensive is cheap T asks Ss give sentences with the words cheap and light if he feels they are confused. T puts students into groups T gives students worksheets with filling gabs with words list . T gets the Ss answer the questions individually and then ask other Ss questions and compare answers . they could do this with different partners to add more speaking time they could even predict their partners answers first and see if they were right. T get students correct their answers and should be sure Ss pronounce the new learned words correctly.

while-reading stage (7-9 minutes) • Reading for gist question.To get a general idea about what the topic.

T checks what Ss know about the topic with quick fire true or false questions after distributing worksheets using information from headings in student book page 102 and information from bar graphs 82 percent of people think a tablet is bigger than a phone A tablet is more expensive than a smartphone. A tablet is heavier than a phone. Suzanna uses the tablet because it is smaller and better for her work than the phone. Suzanna prefers tablets to smartphones Ss should skim the book to find the answers . however to make it more exciting T gets Ss stand up if they think the answer is true. they stand on the left of the classroom . they stand on the right if they think they are wrong. after correcting the sentences those who get it wrong are out . and those who didn t make mistakes are winners so reward them with round of applause.

while reading (8-12 minutes) • reading for specific information and detailed understanding.

Students then re-read the article, this time reading for more detail and attempting to answer some questions which are placed on the whiteboard. Read the posts again. Find the person who: 1 uses a tablet in their job 2 is happy they bought a tablet 3 takes their smartphone when they go out 4 uses their tablet in their free time. they will individually answer the questions . then T ask Ss to look at their partners sentences and guess if the statements are true or false T makes sure students understand the instruction by asking Icqs: What do you do first ask your partner or guess about your partner's answer.,? Do you give a one word answer or give your partner more information? where do I write my guess? t sets this activity to make sure Ss self correct when guessing their partners answers and comparing answers. .Get answers to questions.Teacher checks Ss errors and corrects them to assure they understand the text well If necessary read part of the text again to focus on difficult questions.

post reading (8-10 minutes) • Evaluate and discuss ideas and information about the text Apply and extend these ideas to real life situations

T sets (me and my partners questions) activity: T divides Ss into groups of 3 Ex: how often do you use smartphones and tablets ? do you prefer using phones or tablets? what can you do with them? do you think smartphones and tablets are useful? do you use them frequently? do you use them to do your homework? one student asks and the other answers and then switching roles

back up activity (3-5 minutes) • review what has been learned and expand it to relate it to daily life/cover vocabulary items taught.

Students do some research (in groups) on the Internet on comparing other devices like computers and smart watches using the words they have learnt during the whole lesson. They then present to the class.and discuss .

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