Mahmoud Shafik Mahmoud Shafik

Teaching Practice 1
Elementary (A2) level


Description: In this lesson, students will learn about pairs of adjectives and their opposites through matching exercises and picture pairs. The lesson starts with displaying some of the basic and simple adjectives with their opposites. This is followed by teaching them how to properly place ‘very’ and ‘plural forms of nouns’ with adjectives. Finally they will listen to a dialogue between two people along with introducing personal possessions through reading text.


Abc 2A People and Posessions
Abc Adjectives with very

Main Aims

  • To introduce and extend students’ knowledge of adjectives, their opposites, and how to use them in sentences through the context of describing personal possessions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce basic sentences forms to be properly read and written in the future through the context of reading.


Warmer (2-5 minutes) • Getting students introduced to know what adjectives are

Teacher compliments students with encouraging statements e.g. 'nice jeans', 'good hairlook', 'fantastic watch' and ask them to complimet each other with the same statements or recite what they remember from these statements as they will be written on board at latest.

Vocabulary Adjectives (1) (7-10 minutes) • To introduce students to newe basic adjectives and their opposites

Teacher will display a picture of two faces expressions (happy and sad) and ask students how they describe one face (pointing out the happy face). Accordingly, students can introduce the opposite which is 'sad' as the students can see on the wb. Afterwards, Teacher will set students into two groups then disseminate the photocopies which includes Activity 1 to discuss the new list of a few adjectives and their opposites (They can mime adjectives out to comptete and make it more fun). Finally, Teacher can use CCQ by distributing printed pictures for the same list of adjectives while they're still in groups.

Activity 2 Adjectives with 'very' (8-10 minutes) • Hleps the students focus on how to place 'very' in a sentence and not to pluralize adjectives before plural nouns

In this part, I will likely start with displaying a picture of a happy man, then followed by another picture that has Very smiley face and drill the word 'very' to be used before happy. This will be followed also by showing what plural is in English and how to use singular adjective before it in all cases.

Activity 3 Make sentences with these words (5-8 minutes) • To strengthen students' ability to form sentences; including very, adjectives, and nouns in the context of practising grammar structures

I will instruct them through giving an clear example of unscrambled sentence, Then I will guide them to rearrange the words to build correct sentences

Activity 4 Read and Listen to Sally and her grandfather (10-13 minutes) • To introduce students to personal possessions and listen to identiy the stress on 'Very'

I will help students identify personal possessions along with listening to a dialogue to maintain an authentic speech. Students will read the text again then they read a few statements and then decide in pairs which is true and wich is false. This will followed by exercise from 'student's workbook' to follow buiding sentences up.

Word Search (5-10 minutes) • To memorize as many adjectives as they can

Students at the end of the class will go to walls—on which the handouts are posted— in groups and try to collect adjectives as many as they can,

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