Thomas Dowling Thomas Dowling

Teaching Plan 1a
A1: Elementary level


In this lesson, students will focus upon speaking about what they have got and have not got. The class will begin with two comparative pictures that will lead to group work discussions, whereby they will have free-speaking practice consolidated by T-S interaction. The lesson will end with a kinaesthetic activity that will seek to instil this grammar schemata.


Abc HO from Student Book
Abc HO from Workbook
Abc 2A Harry and Harriet: have got; personal possessions

Main Aims

  • To introduce and give practice in 'have/has got' yes/no questions and short answers through the context of talking about personal possession.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conservation in the context of about have/has got


Warmer/Lead-In (7-9 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will write the title of the lesson, Have Got/Has Got, in the center of the W/B. T will then distribute picture 1, 'The Have Gots' to each student. T will instruct the students to look at the picture individually for 1 minute only, asking them to think about what they have. ICQs: How long do you have to look at the picture? Will you work by yourself or in a group? Once the Ss have had time to look at the picture, T will organise Ss into pairs where they will discuss their ideas for 2 minutes. After this time, T will elicit S ideas from the picture, writing the answers into a mind-map on one-side of the WB, generating ideas for 2 minutes. T will then give Ss the second picture of have nots. Again, 1 minute to look at the picture individually, and then two minutes to discuss with their partner. 2 minutes more will be used to elicit new have not got answers into a second mind-map adjacent to the Have Got mind map.

Pre-Grammar Recap (5-8 minutes) • To recap the uses of Have Got/Haven't Got positive, negative, question forms and pronoun use.

T will recap pronouns with have/has got, have not/has not got by drawing a grid on the WB with both positives and negatives columns. Ss will be asked to call out the right answer. Once all of the positives have been filled in, T will ask for a simple sentence. The same will be done for negatives. For both, the contractions will be explained, and questions introduced at the end.

Grammar Activity (8-10 minutes) • After capping pronouns, positive, negatives, and question forms, S will conduct and activity

T will explain that we are about to do an activity. T will give a demo. Pulling out three items from his pockets, he tell the students he has got three items. T will then offer a S Ayran, before saying he hasn't got any Ayran. T will then instruct the pairs to take out three items from their pockets or handbags and tell their partner what they have got. ICQ: how many items? Their partner will then do the same. T will allow 5 minutes for this task, before asking the students something they have not got, allowing 1 minute for this. T will monitor the discussions, then introduce questions. How do we ask Have got/has got questions. Ss will ask their partner three have questions.after a quick example question. Each pair will then be asked what their partner has got and something they haven't got using the correct she/he form. T will monitor throughout giving help to any unknown vocabulary.

Ex. 10 (2-4 minutes) • Individual Checking of Grammar Use

T will instruct Ss to complete ex. 10, and monitor and problems, consolidating the previous activates. Ss self check with their previous partners

Teacher's Handbook Activity (8-11 minutes) • Discussion of Personal Pronouns: have got

T distributes Harry's Room to S A, and Harriet's Room to Student B. Student A tells Student B all the things that Harry has got in two minutes. ICQ: Harry or Harriet; 2 minutes or 10 minutes? They also have to remember as many items as possible. Then Student B tells all the things that Harriet has got, also for two minutes. Then B has to remember what A has. Has Harry got a... B will confirm this or say Harry hasn't got ... Then the W/C puts down their papers and T instructs team A and team B to remember as many items as they can. A pen will be given to each team, and they take it in turns to write sentences on the board about their person. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Close: Stand-up (2-4 minutes) • Consolidate Learning

Before the end of the lesson, S have to stand-up where are. T will explain that before they go home, they have to give a correct sentence with no-mistakes about something they have got or have not got. Ss with correct answers can leave, those with out the right answer have to try again.

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