Patrick Patrick

Conversation - Money Matters
Upper Intermediate - Russian level


In this lesson, exercises are designed to promote speaking skills by asking and answering questions.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Money Matters

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for Conversation in the context of Money Matters


Warmer/Lead-in (12-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. **As a new T, I will briefly introduce myself and my background, and ask SS to do the same. 2. T puts the flashcards face down on the table and explains the task. **Whoever guesses most correctly receives a small item of value (prize). 3. SS take it in turns to draw a flashcard and describe the word for the other SS to guess. 4. When all words have been guessed, T elicits the topic by referring to **"value" and explains that in the past various items of value were accepted as money. T asks SS the following: **(Which nations in the past could use these items as money?) What could be used instead of the current money? (**Bitcoins? Gold?) What are the advantages and disadvantages of these kinds of money? 5. T asks a few more introductory questions: What would be the consequence of a world without money? Would there be no poverty? What are the advantages of using a bartering system? **Possible new vocab: shells, bartering, consequence, matters (noun).

Exposure (0-0 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Not required. Warm-up activity essentially provides model of coming conversational tasks.

Useful Language (0-0 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Not required. Language in exercises appears suitable for student level. If there are any problems (**"price conscious shopper" may be one), these will be best dealt with as part of the conversational activity.

Productive Task - Practice Exercise 1 (8-10 minutes) • To practise asking and answering written questions. Answers expected to be short/closed, but with oral explanations..

1. T distributes the worksheets and has each S answer the questions on their own. **Change to 1 Million R, and 100,000 R. 2. T divides SS into pairs and has each S discuss their answers with a partner. SS are to give reasons for their decisions. **"Reason" - answers the question "why?". 3. For feedback, SS tell the class about their answers. **Note: If only 2 or 3 students, Steps 2 & 3 will be combined, i.e., SS discuss among themselves, while T monitors and facilitates as required. **Possible new vocab: orphan.

Productive Task - Practice Exercise 2 (8-10 minutes) • To practise asking and answering questions, from multiple choices, and compare orally with others' answers.

1. T distributes the worksheets and has SS do the quiz on their own. **Change to 50R & 500R. **Put actual cash/wallet on the table? 2. For feedback T has SS tell the class about their answers. **In particular, SS to discuss their differences. **Possible new vocab: hint, bribe.

Productive Task - Practice Exercise 3 (8-10 minutes) • To practise asking and answering questions, most of which are posed verbally.

1. T has SS fill in the grid and discuss their percentage with their partner. 2. T tells SS that the percentage does not have to be exactly 100% all together. 3. For feedback T has SS tell the class about their answers. T asks a few follow-up questions provided below the grid. **Note: If running late, this exercise may be cut short or eliminated as it is likely the least useful. **Possible new vocab: in particular.

Productive Task - Practice Exercise 4 (12-15 minutes) • To practise speaking, responding orally to written questions with little or no preparation.

1. T explains the task and distributes the worksheets. 2. All SS discuss the questions **as a group. **(If the group is more advanced, T may have SS discuss the questions first in pairs, then ask them to report on what they have found out to the other SS.) T monitors SS’ work and records their major mistakes. 3. T discusses SS’ mistakes. **Possible new vocab: price conscious, gamble, beggar, used to.

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

If necessary, T will summarize any observations (opportunities for improvement) noted during the conversations.

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