Azza Azza

adverbs of frequency
Elementary level


Lesson plan 1


Abc handouts - power point - cut-ups

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Adverbs of Frequency in the context of describing a healthy life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about The Mystery of Okinawa in the context of A healthy life


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set the context and activate students' schematic knowledge.

T. displays a picture of her old grandfather on ppt to elicit ' very old' and the reasons behind long life.

Pre-reading (2-3 minutes) • To stimulate interest in the topic and establish a purpose for reading.

T displays a picture of 'Takanashi' on ppt to elicit his age and nationality.

Introducing Structure (10-15 minutes) • To help students notice the target language.

T. chests HO 1 with paragraph 1 (English File, pg 32), a table and a cline for the adverbs of frequency.. -T. asks students to fold the paper after the table. -T asks students to read the paragraph and fill in the table with adverbs of frequency. -T. provides them with the first example. -Ss complete the table. -T. asks Ss to check the answers in pairs. -T. displays the answers on ppt with the adverbs of frequency in bold. -T. elicits parts of speech.(Adverbs of Frequency) and why we use them (to tell us how often sth is done). -T. draws a cline on the board and, elicits where to put "always and never" then asks Ss to discuss the position of the rest of the adverbs on the cline in pairs before they come to stick the rest of them on the board. -T. drills the Adverbs of Frequency in meaning and sound. -T divides the Ss into groups and hands them cut-ups for jumbled sentences so that they put them in order to work out the position of the Adverbs of Frequency in the sentences. T. asks each group to check the other group's answers.

PTV (5-7 minutes) • To introduce the main vocab. that might block Ss' understanding of the text.

-T displays pictures for the new vocab. on the ppt.

Reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • To help Ss understand the overall idea of the text

-T. gives Ss the text and asks Ss to match the headings with the appropriate paragraphs. -T. asks some CCQs: Are you going to work in pairs or individually? Individually Are you going to read quickly or slowly? Quickly Are you going to focus on every single word? No -T. sets a time limit : 3 minutes. -Ss check the answers in pairs. -T. displays the answers on the ppt.

Reading for details (5-7 minutes) • To help Ss to scan.

T. asks Ss to read again paragraph 2 to look for the answer of the questions in ex. 2a.: What is unusual about Okinawan people? What do you think their secret is? T. sets a time limit 2 minutes T. asks Ss to check the answers in pairs. T. monitors and helps when necessary.

Post Reading (3-6 minutes) • speaking

T. asks Ss if the Egyptians have the same life style of the Okinawans? What's the different? What's the same? Ss discuss in groups.

LFB (2-3 minutes) • Making sure Ss can use the target language.

-T. monitors and writes down the feedback. -T. writes the mistakes on the board and asks Ss to correct them.

Flexi Stage (3-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with more controlled practice if there is time.

Ss does ex 4 pg 33. Ss interview each other using "How often" and the "Adverbs of Frequency". Ss tell what they found in common.

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