Salma Ali Saeed Salma Ali Saeed

letters A to F/ Introduce yourself/ orientation
Starters level


Abc a ball
Abc printed alphabet flashcards
Abc (alphabets pictures) MS word file

Main Aims

  • Students will be better able to practice the alphabets (letters and sounds) from Aa to Ff

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be better able to introduce themselves saying their names , ages and jobs.


Warmer (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Greet the students and write your name on the board. 2- Have a ball and stay in a central position then ask them to stand up in a circle. 3- Tell them "lets know our names" (and use your body language to emphasis "our") then throw the ball to someone and say you name , then ask that one to throw the ball to another one saying his/her name and so on with all the class. 4. After that , throw the ball again but this time you say the one who receives the ball name.

Test #1 (15-20 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

1- Divide them into groups (choose a leader for each group) and tell them they are going to have a group of shuffled small alphabets flashcards (capital and small letters) and they have to arrange it in order. 2- Give each group a set of shuffled alphabet flashcards then monitor and provide help. 3- Have the activity to an end ,divide the board and then ask the leaders of each group to come on board and stick the flash cards in order in their group section on the board. 4- Check their answers and correct the mistakes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1- Ask each leader to take back their flashcards and stay in a central position. 2- Tell them the difference between a letter name and a letter sound. 3- Then tell them that you will say a letter sound and each group raise up the correct letter flash card. 4- Get notes of what was difficult to understand or what they didn't know.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

1- Use the (Aa to Ff) powerpoint and drill with them the first part of the PPT which is the sounds with pictures like /a/ apple *don't say the letter name*. 2- Then drill the next part which is the sounds of /a/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /e/ /f/ only without pictures. 3- Display the next slides which are the pictures only and elicit the sounds of each letter then drill them over and over again, for example a picture of an apple-students must say /a/ not "apple". 4- Display the last part of the PPT and nominate weak students to answer the exercises so that you can help them individually and correct their pronunciation mistakes.

Test #2 (5-8 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

1- Cut out the (alphabet picture with words) and separate the pictures from the words then divide them in groups to match the pictures with the words saying the correct letter sound of the word and stick them in the board. 2- Monitor and help if needed then check their answers and correct.

Free practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1- Prepare a copy of alphabets flash cards and have every student choose a random letter then send them outside the class to make a list of items that start with the flash cards letter they have. 2- Monitor them and provide help. 3- Have the activity to an end and wave "Good Bye".

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