Yelena Yelena

A poster project on technologies.
Mixed. Grade four. level


In this lesson, students will make a poster of a chosen technology item. This lesson aims to provide SS with the opportunity for writing practice using Past Simple form in their posters. The lesson starts with a short elicitation activity to provide example and content of the poster. Students create posters on the technology item that they choose. In the last session, students first, will check own work and then do a group activity of asking and giving recommendation using the check-list and the posters they have made.


Abc Check-list
Abc poster sample

Main Aims

  • To provide writing practice of a poster in the context of technologies.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To recycle Past Simple tense in the context of technologies.


Warmer/Lead-in (7-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson starts with a short elicitation activity to provide example and content of the poster. A teacher shows a poster-report one of the students from the last year. The teacher discusses the structure of the poster: the organization, the illustration, the structure, the strong and weak parts of the poster by asking guided questions, like: What do you see? What is it about? How do you know? What is the structure/ organization of this poster? What do you like about this poster/ What student could do better?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

A teacher recycles the Past Simple tense with students by highlighting the verbs in the student's poster. A teacher reminds students that the technology item that students chose was invented in the past as well. Then the teacher shows the check-list that students need to take into consideration while they are going to write their poster. The teacher hangs the checklist on display, for students' independent work.

Productive Task(s) (30-40 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students work in pairs, small groups or independently- depends on students choice. They create a poster.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

In the last session, SS first, will check their work using a check-list and then do a group activity of asking and giving recommendation using the check-list and the posters they have made.

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