Copy of Free time activities, Listening
Elementary level

Main Aims
To provide specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about prefered activities in the context of free time activities
Subsidiary Aims
To provide review and practice of hobbies in the context of Free time activities
Procedure (26-41 minutes)
-T sets the context by showing SS picture of bored people. -T asks students to discuss in pairs the activities that are possible for these people to do. - SS ,in pairs, will brainstorm words related to the context, and shout out to the T
- T will draw SS attention to the picture hanged around the class. - T will divide SS into three groups, then give each group four cards with the name of the activities written on them. -The W/b will be divided according to the three groups. -each group will work to match the card with the picture then stick it on the W/b under the group name. -The winning group is the one with the more pictures and cards. -T will check the pronunciation by pointing to the picture, and SS must tell the word.
-T will tell SS that they are going to listen to five people talking about their hobbies. -T will provide HO with free time activity with a box next to each one of them. -SS are to number the list of free time activities according to the order they are mentioned in the text -SS check their answers with a partner. -T provide Fb on the projector.
- T will provide SS with a HO with a chart on it. - T will ask SS to listen and complete the chart with the information about the people free time's activities. -SS have to complete with (the name of the activity - when they do it - with who) -PS: the with who part can be incomplete because not all of the speakers will mention the person they do the activity with. -SS chek their answers in their groups. -T will provide FB on the projector.
-By telling SS that we learnt all of the speakers free time, T will ask SS to talk with their partner about what they are doing with their free time. -SS will ask and answer questions to get information about their partner free time. -T will ask SS to switch pairs and tell the other about the activities of the first one. -T will monitor effectively, then he will give a delay error correction on the W/b