Ibrahem Hosny Ibrahem Hosny

Intermediate level


Abc White board* Hand outs * pictures * New Cutting Edge _ intermediate

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of saying ( what you remember and what you don't remember) in the context of (10 ways to improve your memory)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in the context of (10 ways to improve your memory)


Lead _ in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context .

Show my students two pictures.Ask them to guess the topic.Ask students to discuss in pairs ( what methods do you use to remember things?)

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To contextualize the language.

Pr_ teach vocabulary of the reading task (10 ways to improve your memory)( struggle with, remember up , arithmetic, aerobic and lean) by using different methods. Get the students attention. Hold up the work sheet,ask students to read the tips ,ask them to tick true or exercice 4 page 20.for feed back they check in pairs ,then look at the board to check their answers.

Useful language. (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with the language to use and produce speaking skill.

Give the students HO2 memory tasks . Ask them to read the 7 points,then try to remember person's names,phone number,dates ,etc. using the useful language ( saying what you remember and what you don't remember) ask them to check in pairs.2 monitor to check their answers.3 while Ss checking their answers write the rule on the board .

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