Marwa Salah Marwa Salah

100 places to visit before you die
Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will practice reading in the context of places around the world. The lesson starts with a question as a lead-in (which kind of places do you prefer to visit?) and that's after showing them some photos on the wall, then they read for specific information, after that they read for details.


Abc Markers
Abc matching activity hand out
Abc New cutting edge- intermediate students book
Abc photos
Abc White board

Main Aims

  • To practice scanning the text for specific information and detailed reading in the context of places around the world.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice the new words in the same context.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

As a start, the teacher sticks some photos of places into the wall around the board and asks the students Q ( which kind of places do you prefer to visit? ) and wait for their answers depending on the pictures they watch.

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

First, the teacher asks the Ss to work in pairs and discuss with a partner why do you choose this specific kind of place to visit and what're the most important things do you look for in your holiday destination. And gives them an example. EX: I prefer to spend my holiday on a beautiful beach because I love the sea and the white sand and the most important thing for me is being in a quiet place. Second, the teacher gives the Ss matching activity to make sure that they know the new words in the target language and gives them feedback and drill the difficult idioms.

While-Reading 1/ Specific information task (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

The teacher gives the Ss a sheet with some phrases about specific pieces of information to look for in the text and gives them a minute to read it first, then shows them the text and asks the Ss to work alone and scan it looking for these pieces of information and write them and asks an ICQ (Are you going to read it word by word or read it fast? ) after that gives them the sheet with the text that they are going to read. After they finished the teacher asks them to check with a partner, then gives them the feedback (the answers)

While-Reading 2/ Detailed task (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

In this stage, the teacher gives the students three tasks to do during reading in a piece of paper (put the five places in order, answer a question, suggest a place) and asks them to read the three tasks first, then tells them that they have fourteen minutes to read the text again and do the tasks during reading, and asks an ICQ (Are you going to read it fast or word by word?). After they finished changes the partners an asks them to compare their opinions in pairs.

Post-Reading/ Note taking and discussion (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The teacher divides the students into two groups and tells them that we will go on a holiday and asks each group to choose a place to go and take some notes about this place, and gives them three minutes to decide. Then the teacher asks each group to convince the other group that their place is much better, and as a class, try to choose one of these two places to spend our holiday.

Freer practice (5-6 minutes) • To personalize the topic of the lesson.

Finally, at the end of the class, the teacher asks each student to recommend a place to the rest of the group and tell them the reason. the teacher gives them a minute to prepare what they are going to say.

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