Ahmed Adel Ahmed Adel

Herts Uni Mini Demo
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, learners will practise the "Part 2" Speaking section of the IELTS Academic exam.


Abc HO2 Likes & Dislikes
Abc HO3 Speaking Task
Abc House & Flat Pictures
Abc Music Track
Abc White Board
Abc AK2

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of houses and flats

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for expressing likes and dislikes in the context of houses and flats


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show students a picture of a fancy house from outside and inside. Show them another picture of a flat from outside and inside. Tell them they will work in pairs. Ask them ‘What’s the difference between these two sets of pictures? Which one is better in your opinion? Why?’ Give them 2 minutes. Let them share their ideas with you and give feedback on content.

Useful Language (3-4 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

If possible, take a sentence from the previous discussion and put it on the board. If there are no sentences, right the following one: Ex: ‘The house is very spacious and luxurious’. Ask them: ‘What kind of words do you use to describe the house?’ Elicit: adjectives. Now, in pairs, they try to come up with as many adjectives as possible that can be used to describe houses or flats. Give them 4 minutes. ICQs: Will you write sentences or just adjectives? Just adjectives Individually or in pairs? In pairs. Will you speak or write? Both  Monitor discretely. Provide correction if needed. When finished, they share their answers as whole class. Write these adjectives on the board so that they can be used during the speaking stage. Now, give them HO1 (expressing likes and dislikes) and tell them they need to put the phrases in the correct column. They work individually. Give them 2 minutes. They check in pairs after finishing. Give them AK1 to check their answers.

Productive Task(s) (4-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Change pairs using cards. Let learners sit face to face. Tell them they have one minute to prepare for the speaking task. They can take notes during that minute. They should speak for at least a minute and a maximum of two minutes. One will be the examiner and the other will be the examinee. The examiner should read the question head for the examinee. When they hear a clap, they switch roles. ICQs: How long will you prepare? 1 min How long should you talk? 1 - 2 mins What will you do when you hear the first clap? Switch roles Give them HO2 (speaking task) and give them 1 minute to prepare. After the minute is over, ask them to start speaking. Monitor discretely and take notes of correct and wrong sentences. Clap your hands for them to switch roles.

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Give feedback on content. Ask: ‘What interesting ideas have you heard from your partners?’ Listen and show interest. Now, write some correct and incorrect sentences on the board and ask them to determine which is which. They should correct the wrong ones in pairs.

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