Azime Alpaslan Azime Alpaslan

Describing a winter scene
A2 level


In ths lesson students will learn about "Present Perect Tense". The lesson starts with looking at a photo and talking about it. A listening and order the story activities are presented. Later clarification and highligting are done by the teacher.Finally,semi- controlled and free practice are provided.


Abc Pictures
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Audio Text
Abc Past of you Song
Abc Past of you Song

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of present perfect simple in the context of describing a scene

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a game in the context of "Have I never ever"


Warmer/Lead-in (2-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher presents the winter scene picture on the board and ask students to describe it. What do you see in the picture ? Where do you think they are in the picture ? What are they doing ? Do you like playing snowball? What is your favourite season? WHY? ( to trigger student's attention and make them speak more autonomosly.)

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

First,the teacher plays the text and asks ss to listen to it very carefully. Later, the teacher asks ss to check under their desks. ( Transcription of the audio text, divided into four parts are put under the desks in the classrom before the class starts.) Students go around and order the text into groups. And they are asked to sit together with their group mates.

Highlighting (7-9 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

(This stage is a follow-up of exposure.) Then, students are asked to listen to the text again and fill in the blanks in the text, together within their groups. Past of you song can be played as a reminder of the past participle (v3) form of verbs. ( while teaching past tenses, I usually start with that song to make memorizing most common verbs easier. It has worked very effectively with all age groups till now.) Finally; answers are elicited and written on the board all together. Error correction is provided by the teacher.

Clarification (15-17 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

First, the teacher explains when to use "Present Perfect Tense" through a time line. Later, the teacher provide the formula of making sentences in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. Finally, the teacher draws a new time line on the board and asks students to place "Present Perfect Tense " to be sure that they understand when to use it and elicits some sentences from students who are volunteer to make a sentence.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Have I never ever ... ( I have never ever...) Students are asked to make a circle with their chairs and sit on them. The teacher provides a clear instruction about the game; first a statement is given : Have I never ever been to Egypt. If you have never been to Egypt, you have to stand up and catch a chair. The one cannot catch a chair has to give a statement by using present perfect tense. The teacher writes some plots to help students while making statements. The teacher only monitors and help in case needed any, can be a participant too; depending on the class profile. Finally, errors are collected here, focusing on the formula of the target language and pronunciation. Error correction is provided on the board.

Free Practice (22-24 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

First, students are asked to create five different stations and each picture is assigned to one station. Later, students are divided into groups of three or four learners. Each group has three minutes in each station and they have to write a description for the pictures. At the end, whole class writes five different descriptions by following one another's foot steps. Error correction is provided by the teacher.

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