Colin Colin

Beginner level


Main Aims

  • To introduce / review vocabulary of feelings in the context of everyday life events

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking for accuracy and fluency, and to practice listening for gist


Intro / Warmer (1-2 minutes) • To set the context of feelings related to everyday life events

Elicit: Happy - "How do I feel when I'm teaching English?" "Is this positive or negative?" Sad - "How will I feel when the class is over on friday?" "Is this positive or negative?" Excited (happy again) "How do I feel if I am walking and I find 100 TL?" Angry - Fist action. Hungry - stomach, eating "I FEEL happy" point to smile. "I FEEL sad" point to frown.

Exercise - Positive vs Negative Feelings (2-3 minutes) • To test student's prior knowledge of vocabulary by their ability to identify feelings as positive or negative

"8 feelings. Positive or negative? Choose" Give students positive / negative handout.

Introducing / Eliciting Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the meaning of vocabulary that students don't already know

Show students the cards, then put them on the WB after the word has been elicited (given). *Clarify positive vs negative words* Use intonation to help with understanding.

Language Clarification (2-3 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of vocabulary and differentiate between similar words

CCQs: Bored: "if I am bored, am I also tired?" Maybe, but not always. "if I am bored, am I having fun?" No. "Do I wish I was having fun?" Yes. Excited: "was I excited to come to Istanbul?" Yes "Am I excited for this weekend?" Yes Hungry: "If you are hungry, did you eat yet?" No. "Do you want food?" Yes. Scared: “If I am scared, can I also be happy?” No. (use gestures) “If I pet a dog, am I scared of the dog?” No. (use gestures) “If the Dog attacks me, am I scared?” Yes.

Exercise - Matching (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the form and get students to identify which word is which feeling.

"Pictures. Words. Match."

Additional clarification (if needed) (1-2 minutes) • To Clarify TL
Drilling individual words (2-2 minutes) • To practice the pronunciation of TL

Drill the words. Do alternate drilling on "hungry" and "angry" to differentiate the pronunciations. USE INTONATION LIBERALLY.

Exercise - Gap Fill (5-6 minutes) • To practice using adjectives of feeling in context

BEFORE HO: Have students put the frequency adverbs on a cline from 0% to 100%. "8 words. 8 blanks. Write the correct word." Monitor students to see what adjectives they are using. Some sentences could have multiple answers.

Speaking Activity (2-3 minutes) • To practice accuracy speaking in a controlled exercise

"Tell your partner which sentences are true for you" Switch pairs if finished quickly.

Live Listening Activity / Speaking Demo (2-4 minutes) • To get students to listen for gist and identify emotions

Chest HO. "Sentences about me, Colin. How will you know my feeling? You will Listen" THEN preteach: "But first, do we know these words? "Wallet, stole, midnight" Read the scripted sentences, making sure to use proper intonation to help students identify the emotion.

Drilling / Speaking Practice (3-4 minutes) • To get students to practice pronunciation of the TL

Contrast intonation of sad and happy, excited and bored. "I was excited" "I felt excited about my holiday" "I was scared" "I was scared of the dog" "I felt hungry" "I felt hungry because I didn't eat" "I felt bored" "I was bored because my friends were away" "I was tired" "I was tired because I didn't sleep well"

Speaking Activity (8-10 minutes) • To get students to produce the TL (fluency speaking) by telling about experiences and feelings

"Write sentences about you. 3 minutes" "Tell your partner how you felt, and why" Ss follow teachers example and write several sentences about how they felt at any time, and why they felt that way. Ss speak to each other about their experiences and feelings. Switch pairs several times for extra practice.

Delayed Error Correction (WB & Drilling) (3-5 minutes) • To correct student errors with the TL to prevent fossilization

Make notes of common errors during monitoring of speaking activity. Correct errors as a group

Extra Activity (3-7 minutes) • To get students to practice writing the TL in sentences in a semi controlled exercise

"Choose 3 of the pictures. Write a story about the pictures. What happened? How do they feel?" Ss will choose 3 of the vocabulary pictures and write a short story about them, explaining what is going on and how the people feel. "Tell your story to your partner."

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