Richard Tatterton Richard Tatterton

Teaching Practice 7
Upper-Inermediate level


In this lesson the students will practice writing relative clauses and review the differences between defining and non-defining relative clauses in the context of a book review. Students will work in groups through a controlled Grammar exercise in which they will look at the differences between defining and non-defining relative clauses. The students will then look at a book review of Paulo Coelho's book 'The Alchemist'. This will lead to the students working in pairs to produce their own sentences.


Abc Half sentences + Pronouns
Abc face2face hand-out

Main Aims

  • To provide review of relative clauses and clarification of defining and non-defining relative clauses in the context of a book review using guided discovery teaching based techniques.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of defining and non-defining relative clauses in the context of a free writting activity.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate engagement and interest in the topic

T will show a picture of Paulo Coelho to the students and ask them if they recognise who he is. T will try to elicit from the students that he is a famous author known best for his book 'The Alchemist' T will ask the students if they have heard about or read this book. T will inform the students that later on in the lesson they are going to read a book review of this book (The Alchemist) T will make a column on the WB for vocab.

Language Focus (3-5 minutes) • To present relative pronouns and their functions

T will put 5 headings on the board 'People' 'Things' 'Possessive' 'Places' 'Times' T will then hand out the relative pronouns written on red paper to the students. T will ask the students to come to the board and stick them under the correct heading. People - 'who' 'that' Things - 'which' 'that' Possessives - 'whose' Places - 'where' Times - 'when' T will inform the students that they will be using these pronouns to write some relative clauses with later on in the lesson.

Controlled Practice (stage 1) (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with controlled written practice of the target language

T will divide the students into 2 teams (Team A + Team B) T will give each team a plastic wallet containing half sentences and relative clauses. T will instruct the students that is their task to reconstruct the sentences. The group that reconstructs their sentences the quickest will be the winner. T will draw the students attention to the different colour of the relative clauses. (Blue - defining - Violet - non-defining). T will ask the students to remove these clauses from the sentences. CCQ's (Which sentences have lost their main/essential information?) (The blue)

Clarification stage (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the differences between defining and non-defining relative clauses

T will write two of the sentences on the board. 'She loves the book that I bought for her' 'Clive McCarthy was my English teacher, who writes biographies now' T will elicit from the students where the relative clauses are - 'that I bought for her.' + 'who writes biographies now.' T will then remove these two clauses from the sentences. T will ask the students which sentence has lost it's main piece of information (She loves the book) T will ask the students which sentence has kept it's main piece of information (Clive McCarthy was my English teacher) T will use this as a basis to introduce to the students the idea that a defining relative clause has essential information and that a non-defining relative clause has only additional or extra information. T will use this opportunity to ask explain that 'that' can only be used in defining clauses.

Controlled Practice (stage 2) (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with controlled written practice of the target language

T will hand-out the review of Paulo Coelho's 'The Alchemist' T will instruct the students to fill-in the blanks with the missing pronouns. This will be PW activity. Peer-checking + WC FB. T will ask the students to try and identify which relative clauses are defining and non-defining. T will monitor at this stage. Peer-checking + WC FB

Free writing practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with freer written practice of target language.

T will divide the students into pairs. Each pair will be given a red piece of paper with a relative pronoun on it. They will then be given two pieces of different coloured paper on which they should write a main clause and a relative clause using the pronoun they have been given. When the pair has finished they will stick it on the WB. Early finishers will be given a new pronoun and new pieces of paper. T will monitor this activity.

Delayed error correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with feedback on errors made in the free writting activity

T will draw students attention to the sentences that the students have constructed on stuck on the WB. T will correct any errors that have been made. T will try to elicit from students the problem and where the mistakes have been made. T will also draw students attention to well constructed sentences.

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