Mahfoozur Rahman Mahfoozur Rahman

Elementary level


The lesson includes grammar (should, shouldn't) and listening topics and exercises to generate a better understanding of the mentioned points.


Abc PPT slides
Abc Page 79, Student book, Language Leaders
Abc Free practice H/Os
Abc Kahoot Grammar Practice
Abc White board, marker
Abc Listening practice H/Os

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of should and shouldn't in the context of money

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information and deduction in the context of money


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Eliciting "money" by showing various diagrams on the board in order to set the context. -Make Students talk about the importance of money and how to keep it safe in pairs

Exposure (7-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through an audio or situation

-Give instructions regarding the exercise related to listening clip(10.1) on page 79 using O\H projector -ICQ -Play the clip and give- them time to do the question -Answer check and feedback (ask for thier answers, show the correct answer on board) -Give instructions regarding the next question on the same page (give H/Os - Q1) (clip 10.2) -Play the clip and give- them time to do the question -Answer check and feedback (peer check)

Highlighting, controlled and semi-controlled practice (15-18 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language (should, shouldn't)

-Take marker sentences from the book/audio clip to explain the meaning, form and pronunciation concerning should and shouldn't (using PPT) - Give instructions regarding Q2 in the H/O, let them do it and do the answer check (peer check) -Use kahoot by putting students in three groups to check their level of understanding and take feedback after every question to make students better understand topics

Free Practice (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-Give instructions regarding the slightly free practice worksheet -ICQs -Distribute the H/Os (problems and advice H/Os), make them match activities in pairs, show the right matches on O/H projector board -Model few examples (with 2 students) -Make SS give advice to their partners using should or shouldn't -After they are done with the activity, peer check and direct feedback -Take back the advice H/O and make them do the free practice in pairs. -Random selection of a few students for loud free practice demonstration -Winding up the lesson by asking them about the topic of the lesson.

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