Burak Candan Burak Candan

Teaching Practice 7
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be practising new lexical items crazy about, adore, keen on, don't mind etc. in the context of passions of people. Since it's a lexis lesson T will be following MFP stages with controlled, semi and freer practices.


Abc Powerpoint by the teacher
Abc Coursebook
Abc Hand-outs

Main Aims

  • To provide ss practice in lexis in the context of passions of people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide ss practice in speaking for fluency.


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T sets context on through a reading text about the passions of some people such as writing poems, playing tennis, horseriding, hunting. Before giving the text teacher asks students: Instruction: Is there anything in your life that you feel passionate about? Share your ideas with your partners for 1 minute. Ss share their ideas with their partners. w/C FB takes place T elicits some of the answers from ss.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Then T gives the reading text (HO1) to the ss and asks them: Instruction: Read the text and answer which of the people's passions most interest you? or Which interest you least? Why? Ss work individually for this activity. Then they share their ideas about the text with their partners. w/c FB takes place, a whole class discussion is made. -Text includes target lexis such as keen on, fond of, can't stand, adore etc.

Clarification (9-11 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: (4 mins) T shows some model sentences "I adore playing tennis. I’m keen on riding horses, I’m crazy about writing poems, I don’t mind reading books, I fond of hunting foxes, I can’t stand hunting other animals" on the whiteboard. T clarifies the meaning by using a cline which has some passion emojis on it. T asks: Instruction: Look at the sentences and emojis with your partners and put the cards (HO2) into correct places. T gives the vocabulary cards "keen on, adore, crazy about, don't mind, fond of, can't stand" to the students. Ss work with their partners and when they are ready they come to the board and stick the cards into correct places on the cline. T checks the cline and if necessary asks a few more questions(CCQs) to clarify the meaning. Form: (3 mins) T shows the rules on the whiteboard and asks students to write the rule for sentences. Instruction: Read the sentences and complete the rule. Ss work individually. They check their answers with their partners. w/C takes place. T elicits the answers from the students to write the rule. Pronunciation: (4 minutes) T reflects three sentences on the board and model the sentences with backchaining first and after that ss drill the sentences chorally and individually. T uses gestures to show stress and asks: Instruction: Look at my hand, where is the stress? T shows the stress and asks ss: Instruction: The sentence stress is on "adore, keen on, fond of, + Ving" do you agree?Yes/No. With your partners discuss for 30 seconds. w/C FB takes place.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T asks ss to rewrite sentences by using target lexis. (HO3) Instruction: Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 1- She likes eating ice-cream very much. (adore) 2- He likes all water sports. (keen on) 3- My brother loves playing video games. (crazy about) 4- I don’t like people who always talk about themselves (can’t stand) 5- I like green tea but I prefer English breakfast tea. (don’t mind) 6- My mum likes going to musicals. (fond of) 7- I hate tidying my room. (can’t stand) Ss work individually for this activity. T monitors ss genuinely Ss check their answers with their partners. w/c FB is carried out. T puts the answer keys to different places in the classroom. Ss stand up and check their answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T gives (HO4) to students and asks them to read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the correct lexis(adore, fond of, etc.) Instruction: Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the correct forms. A: What do you like to do for fun? B: Well, I am ____________ playing and watching football. My favorite team is Fenerbahçe. I _________ watching Fener’s football matches. Also, we play football with our friends twice a week. A: Wow! I’m _________ watching football too! However, I __________ playing or watching basketball, It’s really boring. B: No way! I’m __________ watching basketball too, Cleveland Cavaliers is the best! A: Hmm, interesting. I don’t have any favorite teams. B: Hmm, I understand but football is still my favorite. What else do you enjoy? A: I’m also __________ reading books. B: Reading books? I’m also interested in reading books, which genre do you read? A: I like reading fantastic books. My favorite book is Lord of the Rings. B: Really? I __________ reading fantastic books, I really don’t like them, but I’m _________ reading romantic books. A: Hmm, sounds great! I’ll meet you after class. B: Cool! See you then. Ss work individually for this activity. They check their answers with their partners. w/c FB is carried out. T change pairs and wants ss to practice the dialogue. T monitors and check for the pronunciation and gives delayed feedback.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T asks students to read the questions and think about their answers without writing. Instruction: Read the questions and think about your answers. You don’t have to write down answers. You have one minute to think about them. Questions: (HO5) 1- What do you like to do for fun? 2- Do you like people who always talk about themselves? 3- Which sports are you interested in? 4- Do you like going to musicals? 5- What do you hate doing at home? Ss work individually first. Then share their ideas with their partners on the stand. Ss change their partners and work with another student. w/c FB is carried out. T elicits some of the answers from the students and gives delayed feedback. If time, Ss going to think about their passion and imagine that they succeeded their aim. How would they feel? What would they do?

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