Teaching Practice 6 (TP6)
Upper-Intermediate level
Main Aims
The main aim of this lesson is listening, chiefly for comprehension, and as a way of create a context for learning new vocabulary. Students will be asked to hear a number of audio selections, both form the Inside Out book series and homemade recordings.
Subsidiary Aims
To learn and practice new vocabulary in context, recognize synonymous meanings for words and phrases, and to reproduce these in short dialogues.
Procedure (36-49 minutes)
I'll put a picture of a young woman on the board. Milena. I'll ask the students to tell me what they think about her based on her name and what they see in the picture. What kind of girl is she? Where is she from? Is she a sweet girl? What does she want from life? Then we're going to listen to two parts of a story narrated by Milena; her story. Before the first part is played, I'll ask the students to listen for the topic of the story. We will play it and discuss a bit after. Then we'll listen again. This time, before we listen, I'll ask them to listen for details because they'll have to explain the story to their partner. Then we'll listen again. We'll form pairs and one person will retell the story to his/her partner. I'll go around checking for accuracy and see if peer-checking is happening. The before we listen to the second part, I'll ask them to predict what will happen in Milena's relationship with the guy. "Do you think they'll ever meet again?" etc... Then we'll listen and find out what happened. We'll discuss it a bit, to see if our predictions were correct, and then listen one more time. This time the other partner has to listen well and retell the story. Then I'll pull out another picture of Milena later in life and have the students come up to see the results.
Before listening, I tell the Ss that we'll be listening to another woman's story. It is similar to Milena's. "In what way is it similar?" "How is it different?" Then we'll listen and answer the questions as a class. We'll listen again and, this time, working in pairs, I'll get them to fill in the blanks where vocabulary is missing from the dialogue. They'll fill in the answers. Then I'll pyramid the pairs into groups and get them to check themselves. I'll monitor during this part to check for mistakes and keep everyone on task. Before listening the second time, I draw the students' attention to some vocabulary that they're probably not familiar with: 'head over heels', 'soulmate' and 'bliss'. After the listening I'll ask what they think these words mean and CCQ
Students will now be split into new pairs in order to do two activities: In one, they will identify words in part 3 that have the same meaning as words from part 4. After they have matched these up, I'll check to see if they've finished and then give each group a slip of paper with a word that we've either just used or filled in the blanks with. I'll instruct them to write a mini dialogue in which they use this word. The dialogue should feel natural and they should finish in about 4-5 minutes. Once they're done, they'll read their mini dialogues out to the class, unless time is short, in which case I'll just have them read to each other.
Students will pair up and try to find together the appropriate vocabulary words highlighted in part 3 and fill in the appropriate blanks in part 5.Once they are satisfied, they'll pair up with another group and read the dialogue together. If there's time, we'll listen to the dialogue together to check. By now I'm sure the class time will be finished. If miraculously it isn't, I'll drill the class with some comprehension questions about the three women's holiday romances. "Whose romance was a success?" "Whose failed the worst?" "Whose included Australia?" etc...