Raina Tahincioglu Asmar Raina Tahincioglu Asmar

Beginners level


Abc WB
Abc Text
Abc Past simple formation table
Abc Sound endings exercise
Abc Sound endings exercise answer key
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Irregular verbs handout
Abc Timeline sentences
Abc Verb slips

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice using the past simple in the context of travel and places visited in the past with emphasis on regular verbs and their various forms and pronunciations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide sts practice in speaking for fluency in the context of travel and places visited


Lead -in (3-4 minutes) • To motivate the sts by getting them to do a simple task related to the context of past events and travel.

T draws a timeline on the WB and marks 'Now'. She elicits from the sts what year we are in and writes it on the WB under 'now'. In pairs students are instructed to take 1 of 5 papers with a finished action in the past written on it. They have to stick these papers on the timeline in the correct order. T asks a couple CCQ's to check understanding - 'Is Ataturk in Samsun now?' and ' Are my friends at Topkapi now?' T moves one of the sentences from the past to the future on the timeline and asks the sts if this is correct? No. Why not? ( Because the sentence is in the past)

Reading for specific information (4-5 minutes) • For sts to be able to recognize the verbs ( which are in the past tense) by scan reading.

T writes the sentence ' Jo had the idea in 2002...' on the board and elicits from sts which word is the verb. T then chests the HO and asks sts to individually re-read the text 'Let's go by Tuk-tuk!' ( introduced by Mehmet in the previous lesson) and to find and underline the verbs. T gestures that they have 2 minutes to complete the task and once they have finished they can check their answers with their partners. Going around the class, each s says one word they have found.

Presentation - part A (8-9 minutes) • For sts to be able to see a pattern in regular past simple verbs and distinguish between regular and irregular verbs

T draws a two column chart on the WB and sticks a slip of paper with 'wanted' at the top of one column and a slip of paper with 'went' at the top of the other.T has prepared slips of paper with the verbs from the 'Tuk Tuk' article and sts are invited in turn to take one and stick it in the correct column. Sts give continual FB on whether their friends are correct or not. As the activity continues it will become more and more obvious that the words ending -ed will be in one column and the other words in the other. T then points to the first column and asks sts' why are these verbs here?' and repeats the question for the other column. Eventually T writes 'regular' and 'irregular' at the top of the columns. T points to 'wanted' and says this is the past tense. Then she covers the -ed with her hand and asks is this the past tense. No this is the verb 'to want'. Go through a few regular verbs so they get the idea and then ask the sts to work in pairs and find the base forms of the verbs in column two. ( T gives one example) As feedback, sts say which verbs they have found.

Presentation - part B (3-5 minutes) • For sts to see how to form the past tense

T shows the formation of the past simple tense on the WB and reads the first line 'I visited' - sts are prompted to complete the remaining verb conjugations with both the verb 'visited and the irregular verb 'went'. T asks an ICQ, ' Does the verb change with the subject?' No. To check sts know they add -ed to a verb ending in a consonant and they add - d to a verb which ends in an 'e', T writes ' start' and 'arrive' on the WB and asks a couple of volunteers to come and write the past form. T gives sts an irregular verb chart as reference to look at home.

Presentation -part C (5-7 minutes) • To enable sts to differentiate between the three different pronunciations of past regular verbs

T draws a three column chart on the WB and heads them /d/, /t/ and /ɪd/ with the relevant examples, arrived, asked and wanted. T drills these three words with the sts to emphasize sound endings. T gives example 'danced' and elicits from sts which column( number) this word goes under. Then t chests the HO and gestures sts should listen while she reads out the 10 words and tells them to write 1, 2 or 3 next to the words. T then asks sts to check their answers with their partners. T drills the words one by one and elicits answers 1, 2 or 3 from sts each time. T gives sts answer key for reference.

Gap -fill (3-5 minutes) • For sts to practise forming the past tense

T writes the sentence 'Mark .......... ( cycle) around the world in only 194 days... - Is he cycling now? No, its in the past. T invites a s to come up to the board and write the correct form. T then chests HO and explains to the sts ( using gestures) that they need to fill in the gaps with the past tense of the verbs in the brackets. T asks sts to check their answers with their partners once they have finished. T monitors sts and as feedback T hands out sts an answer key to save time.

Speaking (6-8 minutes) • To provide sts the opportunity to practise the productive speaking sub-skill of fluency in a semi-controlled setting in the context of 'a past holiday' - Sts are going to practise the TL of the past simple

T will set the context by writing some key words on the WB relative to a previous holiday. T will give a demo, talking of one of her past holidays. T will ask sts to work in pairs and tell each other about their holidays. As an ICQ, t will ask sts ' will you write or speak'? Time permitting , sts will change partners and tell their new partners about their old partners holiday. As FB T will then ask a couple of sts about their holidays.

Language feedback -error correction (2-3 minutes) • Try to prevent fossilization of incorrect language use

T will give sts feedback on any errors she heard with the TL during the productive stage of speaking. T will highlight any errors with form or pronunciation on the WB.

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