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Copy of What do you do on New Year (Adverbs of Frequency)
Elementary Level level


In this lesson students will be learning about 'adverbs of frequency' through the context of New Year and other holidays. I will introduce the subject by giving personal examples. The teacher will ask questions about his/her New Year. Then will ask students what they do on New Year. They will start off in pairs asking one another questions from HO 1, then switch telling someone else about their friend. This will be followed by a listening activity. First they will be listening for gist, then the teacher will dissect some grammar. Afterwards, students will works in pairs answering questions from HO 2.The teacher will close the activity with a 'mingle'. Learners will be put in groups. Each group will choose a subject, and ask one another what they like to do in the summer, winter, tradional holidays ... If time the groups will 'mingle'.


Abc What does Mim and Paul do on New Year?

Main Aims

  • To give students practice with 'adverbs of frequency'; focusing on accuracy through receptive and productive skills.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency in speaking through the context of specific times or events.


Lead In (3 minutes) • To elicit the topic 'adverbs of frequency' by using personal examples.

I wıll gıve students example of 'adverbs of frequency' through personal examples. Starting from things that I always do ---> things that a never do. I will be using gestures and tonation to help elicit adverbs like sometimes, often and usually.

What does my teacher do on New Year? (3 minutes) • To Practice their receptive (listening) and productive (speaking) skills.

I never stay home on New Years. I usually cook food for my friends. We always drink alot of Raki. My friends sometimes drink too much. I often have to watch them, so they don’t get drunk. Ask the class: "What does my teacher do on New Year?" CCQ: Does my teacher stay home?

Introduce 'adverbs of frequency' through a scale. (2 minutes) • To clarify when to use which adverb of frequency.

NEVER--->SOMETIMES--->OFTEN--->USUALLY--->ALWAYS 0------------->30-------------------->60----------->85-------------->100

Presentation of HO 1 (1 minutes) • To make the task clear to the students.

Teacher will chest activity. Read the example. Ask students to fill it out for one another. ICQ to make sure students understand.

What do the students do on New Year? (7 minutes) • To have them practice productive skills (speaking and writing).

Students will work with their partner. They will ask one another questions about New Year (see HO attached).

Group students (1 minutes) • To make sure students understand next activity.

Put students work in paırsç Horse, Donkey Horses raise your hand .... Donkeys .... Look at one another Horses hear, donkeys over there Have them meet one another with the paper they just filled out.

Instruction for next task (1 minutes) • Give clear instructions for next task

Tell your new partner about your frıend. What does he/she do on New Year, how often? Mingle activity ICq: What does your friend do on New Year?

Mingle activity (7 minutes) • To have students practice fluency

The teacher will not interfere unless students ask question. The teacher will monitor, walking around the class. Take note of any mistakes and write it on the board.

Corrections (3 minutes) • To provide accuracy of the language by correcting common errrors.

The teacher will ask the class: Is this sentence correct? What is wrong with this sentence? CCQ question to make sure they understand.

Listen for gist (2 minutes) • Pratice listening to get the main idea.

Students will listen to understand the main idea.

Listening and answer HO 2 (6 minutes) • To have the students listen for specific information.

Have students work in groups of 3. Chest HO before giving it to the students. Monitor for mistakes and write them on the WB.

Grammar (5 minutes) • To practice grammar to emphasize pronunciation,sentence structure,phonics and meaning

Please see back of Language analysis sheet for WB set up.

Fınal Mıngling activity (6 minutes) • To practice their productive skills (speaking).

Put the students into 3 groups. One is summer, the other Seker Bayram, Kurban Bayram Ask the groups to talk and write things they usually do on these given occasions.

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