Rana abdolmohammadi Rana abdolmohammadi

Intermediate level


In this lesson students are going to learn some verbs based on a text through guided discovery in the context of brain and memory


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of Verbs in the context of developing our memory

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a debate in the context of studying effectively and usage of brain


lead in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

_ entering the classroom and pretending that I do not remember Ss name, trying to guess and ask their names again _ Asking students some personal questions about their memory Oh I am not good at remembering names.,sorry. Are you good at names? Do you usually remember people's name? How about numbers? Faces? Do you usually remember things after your exam?

Gist task (5-7 minutes) • To know general understanding of students about topic and text

-Giving Ss a text about memory and tips to work on it for exams and asking Ss to read it once and answer the gist question which is written on the board beforehand. Q: What happens to our mind when we are learning something new? -While they are reading the text I will monitor them and then ask them to discuss about the answer to see who could find the right answer meanwhile I monitor them if they have any problem with the reading I will help them

More focus on receptive skill (3-6 minutes) • To work on the students understanding

_ Giving them some specific questions to answer which leads to the target language that is going to be taught so they are going to read the text again very fast. _ Giving them the answer and asking them to check in pairs and discuss about their answers(why) Monitoring all the time

Highlight (5-7 minutes) • To pull out the target language

- Asking Ss to read the text again and highlight the words and verbs related to brain and memory work in a group Monitoring them to see if they are finding the right ones or not otherwise I will ask them to go back to the previous practice to guide them where they are. after that,They are going to share theys findings with the teacher . ICQ; Are you going to read the whole text or scan it?(scan) Are you going to read it slow or fact?( fast)? Are you going to do it in together or individually?(together) _ Asking them to talk together and check if they know the meaning of them or not?If not, Can they guess?

Clarification (7-10 minutes) • To clarify the target language

(If Ss know the meaning of one or 2 of the vocabulary, T will not focus on them a lot) _Giving Ss a matching exercise to find the meaning of the words in pairs -Asking them to check their own answers with the answers on the back of the paper _Asking them some CCQs to see they found the meanings right or not. -Asking them to focus on the form and if they know how each word is pronounced If they say yes I will leave them if not I will drill the pronunciation

controlled practice (5-8 minutes) • to put the target language in use

-Give Ss a filling the blank question to check their understanding of vocabulary to put in sentences They are going to work individually and check answers in pairs - Asking Ss to choose 3 of the words and make at least one new sentence with each word monitoring them, helping them if they need Asking to check each other's paper. ICQ: Are you going to say something or write something?(write) are you going to do it together or individually?(individually)

Freer practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide a more realistic situation for students to use the TL

_Writing two questions on the board and asking Ss to choose one of them think about it and talk about it pairs. How do you usually study for your exams?Is it effective? Why? Do you think process of information in people's brain is different through ages?for instance, between children and adults?How? _After that Ss should report key points or interesting ideas to the class.(Watching their language by T)

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