Selda Selda

Past Perfect
Pre Intermediate, A2+ level


In this lesson, students learn the Past Perfect Tense through a reading text using guided discovery. After controlled practice, students will produce a story in the past perfect tense.


Abc Pictures in Warm Up

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of the past perfect tense through the reading text.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about Criminal Gaffes.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T only reflects the pictures on page 96. Ss discuss and define the pictures in pairs. T elicits the words that students already know related to "crime".

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a reading text

T elicits the words "robber, thief, steal, arrest, break into and burglar" "When someone gets something from you without your information. He s______ it." T writes the initial to give a clue. "It means to enter a house/ building using force especially to steal sth". "This person enters a house to steal sth." (The words Robber, Burglar and Thief will be accepted since the difference is minor and the words are pre-reading words) "When the police catch the thief, they ____". Ss read the stories 1-4 and guess the end of the stories in pairs. Ss match the cut-out explanations with the stories in groups and check their guesses. When they finish, one member in each group will walk around the other groups and check their answers.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ss will fold their guided discovery HO and read the marker sentences. "The robbers broke into the bank but the guard with the key had gone for a coffee." Ss underline the verbs in the sentence.

Clarification (15-17 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

asks them to fold their paper and answer the question in pairs. Ss in pairs answer the questions about the marker sentence in their guided discovery. "The robbers broke into the bank but the guard with the key had gone for a coffee." Were the robbers in the bank?, Was the guard in the bank when the robbers broke into?, The guard went out after/ before the robbers., Robbers broke into the bank after/before the guard went out." Ss show the events on a timeline. T monitors to see whether ss need help or not. They check their answers in groups. T gives time for the meaning part and when ss finish, one student from each group will circle the correct answers on the board. If needed T gives deeper FB. Ss finish writing form for the tense with the help of the marker sentence and T hands out the answer key for the FB. T uses the finger method for contractions and drill and then asks the stressed words of the marker sentence.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss do the fill - in the gaps activity in part 6 on p.97 in pairs. T monitors the class.T nominates an early finisher for the FB.

Semi-Controlled Practice (12-14 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ss match the verbs 1 - 5 with the phrases a - e in exercise 7 in pairs. T gives FB while monitoring. After the matching activity, they make sentences using the verbs in the past perfect tense. T chooses students randomly for FB. Ss fill the gaps with had/hadn't when necessary. T completes the first sentence to give an example. Ss check their answers with other pairs.

Free Practice (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T asks students to make groups of 3.Ss choose one of the stories on page 96 and write what happened before the theft and how it was possible for the thieves to be able to commit the crime. T uses ICQ for the instruction. "Are you writing what happened before or after the story?" Ss stick their stories on the walls when they finish. Ss walk around the class and read the stories stick on the walls. Ss discuss which story they like most in the gallery walk technique. T gives the stories to the groups randomly, Ss read again to correct the mistakes in the given story. T gives a whole class FB for general mistakes.

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