Richard Tatterton Richard Tatterton

Teaching Practice 5
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson the students will review and practice using the narrative tenses with a specific focus on the past perfect and the past perfect continuous tenses to tell stories about life changing experiences they have had in their lives. The students will listen to a live-listening in which I will describe a life changing experience of mine. The students will then work through a controlled grammar exercise leading them to write their own sentences about their life changing experiences. This will be followed by a free speaking PW activity where they will focus on developing their fluency skills to talk about their life changing experiences together.


Abc A Brand New Day
Abc Past tense sentences
Abc face2face hand-out

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of the narrative tenses with a specific focus on the past perfect and past perfect continuous tenses in the context of life changing experiences using a guided-discovery teaching based technique.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of life changing experiences.


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To generate engagement and interest in the topic

T will write on the WB the title 'Life Changing Experiences' T will then inform the Ss that today's topic is talking about life changing experiences. T will ask the Ss to think about what kinds of experiences are life changing experiences. T will brainstorm ideas and write them on WB. 'Marriage' 'Birth of a child' 'Travel' 'Disaster' 'etc...'

Live-listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with a model for free speaking practice and expose students to TL

T will write on the board the following questions:- 'What was the life changing experience?' 'When did it happen?' 'How did it change my life?' T will tell Ss they are going to listen to the teacher talking about a life changing experience and while they are listening they should think about the answers to these questions. T will give the talk. WC FB

Focus on TL (5-7 minutes) • To provide the students with a written record of the TL

T will hand-out the past tense sentences - (refer to HO) T will ask the Ss to discuss with their partner the difference between these sentences. T will hand-out an adapted version of ex. 5 face2face T will ask students if they can recognize the rules for each sentence. WC FB

Preparation for speaking task (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students to talk about their life changing experience.

T will ask the Ss to think about a life changing experience they have had in their lives. T will instruct the Ss to write sentences that are true for them and their experiences, aiming to try to use the past perfect and the past perfect continuous tenses as show in the examples. T will set a time limit of 5 minutes for this activity. T will monitor at this stage. Immediate error-correction. T will take a sentence that needs to be corrected on WB and elicit from the Ss the problem and solution from the Ss.

Free Speaking Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide fluency speaking practice and improve levels of accuracy using TL

T will divide the Ss into pairs, the idea being that everyone is working with a new partner. Ss will use the sentences they have written as prompts to speak to each other about their life changing experiences. T will monitor at this stage. T will encourage early finishers to extend the activity by thinking of questions they can ask their partner about their experience.

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