Mehmet Uzunoğlu Mehmet Uzunoğlu

TP5 - Past simple -verb to be
Beginner A1 level


In this lesson, students will be provided with to be form of the past simple. Teacher will draw a stickman (which is T himself) and will be talking about him in present and past. The students will be provided with controlled and semi-controlled activities. Then the students will practice speaking for accuracy in a mingle.


Main Aims

  • To provide the students with the introduction and practice of the past simple of the verb to be to talk about past experiences in the context of the past times

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss practice in Speaking for accuracy through a semi-controlled speaking activity


Lead in / Warmer (5-7 minutes) • To get the students attraction, to expose students to the TL and prepare for the task

T will draw a stickman and will name it with T's name (elicits from the Ss about the name) and will write the current date below and will ask ''Where am I now?'' and ''What is my job?'' will elicit ''in the class'' and ''teacher''. And then T will write 4 concepts surrounding the stickman (in 1989, in Eskisehir / in a party, yesterday / in 2011 in China / two years ago, soldier) and ask Ss to have a little chat within pairs about the connection of them with the stickman. Then T will elicit from the Ss. Afterwords, T will ask the question ''Where were you yesterday?'' to some of the Ss

Language presentation (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the past simple of the verb -to be within the context of the stickman on the WB

T will draw a timeline on WB showing present and past. Then T will ask Ss to remember the stickman and will adapt it on the timeline by eliciting from them. T will check if it's clear by using CCQs. T will consider drilling the difference of was not / wasn't - were not / weren't.

Controlled Practice - Choosing the correct one (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with practicing the usage of the TL form correctly

T will chest the HO, ask Ss to choose the correct form of was / were - wasn't / weren't. T will check with ICQs. - Can I choose two? No. - Do I choose only one? Yes. - Do I circle the correct one or the wrong one? Correct.

Semi- Controlled Practice - Fill in the gaps activity (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with challenging practice on using the past simple of verb to be

T will chest the HO and ask Ss to fill in the gaps with was / were / am / is / are. T will do the example of the first exercise. (T will teach teach the words if needed / will skip if Ss are already familiar with them) After the activity, T will elicit answers from the Ss and correct if needed.

Semi - Controlled Practice - Put in the correct order activity (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging practice on the form of simple past - verb to be

T chest the HO telling that the words are not in the correct order (they are not okay). T will ask Ss to put them in the correct order. T will make an example on WB. To check the Ss, will ask ICQs. - Are they in the correct order? (No) - Do I need to change their places? (Yes) (After changing the places) - Are they in the correct order now? (Yes) While Ss are busy with the exercises, T will put the colorful papers on which the exercises are printed. T will ask the Ss to check in pairs. Then, T will ask the Ss to come to the WB and change the colorful papers into the correct orders.

Speaking Activity (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with opportunity to expand on what they've learned

T will write ''10 years ago...'' on WB asking Ss to think about the year 2004 and will elicit some sentences as to the year of 2004 and T will chest the flashcards on which there are only subject + to be (v2). T will ask Ss to find someone and say their sentences with the flashcards referencing the 2004 and change the flashcards after that. T will check the Ss with ICQs. - Do I say only the flashcard (e.g. I was) and finish? (No) - Do I finish my sentence? e.g. I wasn't at school yesterday. (Yes) - Do I throw this paper after I finish my sentence? (No) - What do I do? (Change)

If time- Feedback and correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide the students with clarifying of the general mistakes

T will write the mistakes on WB which are made throughout the lesson and will ask Ss to talk about the sentences (correct or wrong) within pairs. Then T will elicit from the Ss about the ways to clarify them.

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