Amanda Robinson Amanda Robinson

TP5(a) - on Grammar relating to Predictions in the Context of Space Tourists
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, Students will be introduced to Grammar relating to predictions, e.g. Maybe, Probably and Definitely, and Speaking Practice.


Abc Handout 3 - Notes about possible contestants
Abc Handout 1 - Placing the adverb in the correct place in the sentence.
Abc Handout 2 - Class Survey

Main Aims

  • To introduce Students to Grammar related to Predictions and 'Speaking' Practice

Subsidiary Aims

  • To clarify grammar relating to predictions, and to help students practise their 'speaking' by opening WC discussion, and GW for further discussion.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context, and engage students in the topic of Space Tourists again.

The teacher will tell the students that today's lesson will follow on from the last lesson when they learnt vocabulary and practised their listening for specific information related to Space Tourists. It will be a Grammar lesson, and they will be introduced to grammar, related to predictions, or adverbs of prediction, e.g. maybe, possibly, probably, certainly, etc. After writing an example of a sentence using an adverb of prediction on the board, draw a time-line placing the example word on the time-line, and open up discussion with the WC to see if you can elicit any further adverbs, and place them in the appropriate place on the time-line. Then ask the students a couple of CCQs to ensure they understand the placement of the adverbs in sentences.

Controlled Practice/Feedback (10-12 minutes) • Feedback on the students' understanding of the TL - grammar related to predictions.

The students will each be given a handout with six sentences, and an adverb (prediction) in brackets. They will be asked to work individually, and decide where the word in brackets should go in the sentence. The Teacher will ask students randomly to read out the sentence with the word in brackets put in the sentence in the place they think is correct. The teacher will write the first sentence as a model on the board. The model sentence = 'We won't discover life on other planets (probably)' = 'We probably won't discover life on other planets.'

Focus on Target Language, and Controlled Speaking Practice (10-12 minutes) • To further consolidate and test Students' understanding of the Target Language

The students are handed out a survey with five questions relating to predictions. They are asked to work in pairs and to choose what they think the best word is to use in the sentence, from the group of words above. The students will then be asked to read out their 'answers' with the word they have chosen from the list, e.g. A: Yes, I will 'probably' speak good English, etc. The teacher will keep record of the survey answers on the board so the students can see the results.

Speaking Practice (10-12 minutes) • For students to practise the productive skill of 'speaking' using the target language from the context.

The teacher will remind students of their previous lesson and the proposed TV game show Star Quest, and ask them to recall vocabulary and phrases from the lesson in the context of Space Tourists. Any introduced vocabulary will be written on the WB. They will be asked to think of a possible good candidate, which could be either one of their friends or colleagues, or maybe a famous person. Elicit a few suggestions from the students, and briefly discuss a few of their suggestions. The teacher asks the students to write the name of someone they have thought of, and to make notes under the headings of 'Personality', 'Practical Skills', 'Appearance and Health' and 'Other Reasons', about why they think he/she would be good. The teacher then asks the students a couple of ICQs to make sure they understand exactly what they have to do. They are then asked to compare their notes with a partner and discuss.

Free 'Speaking' (productive) Practice (12-15 minutes) • To get students to focus on the target language, and practise free speaking in groups, and give FB to the whole class.

After the students have worked with a partner comparing and discussing the notes they have made under the four headings, the teacher asks the students to work in allocated groups, and take it in turns to describe the person they have thought would be a good contestant for Star Quest. The group then decides who is the best candidate, and tells the WC the qualities the candidate has, and why they have selected that candidate.

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