Gözde Demirel,TP 8, Reading
Elementary, A2 level

Main Aims
To provide reading for gist and reading for information practice using a text about walking in the context of health
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a survey in the context of doing exercise and health
To provide clarification and practice of the vocabulary about doing exercise in the context of health
Procedure (43-44 minutes)
Let the class watch a short clip about health and then ask " What do you do to stay healthy?"
Tell the Ss to work alone to match the words& sample sentences with their definitions. Give them the cut ups, monitor while the Ss are doing the task, Ss check their answers with partners. Provide clarification on the target vocabulary by asking CCQs, drilling and showing the stress.
Tell Ss to read the text quickly in 2-3 minutes and then match the topics a-d with the paragraphs 1-4. T monitors to check the comprehension. Ss work alone and when finished, they check their answers in pairs. T nominates some students to share their answers with the class.
Show the handout and tell them to read these sentences and then read the text again to find & tick the ideas the text talks about. Do the example one with the class and let them work alone and then check in pairs. Monitor and take notes of the problematic sentences while they are working,In the feedback part, focus on the comprehension of the text.
Before the task, check if the Ss know the word " gym ". Then, show the "survey" handout to the class and set the task: Ss are going to choose one person among their friends to carry out the survey and they will work in pairs to ask each other these questions and will take notes of their partners' answers, when finished, they are going to tell what they have heard from their partner. While the Ss are working, T monitor for good examples and errors and highlights them in the feedback part.