TP 8 - Edible
Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide Ss clarification and practice of quantity expressions, and to review and extend Ss knowledge of countable and uncountable nouns in the context of food
Subsidiary Aims
To give Ss practice in the integrated skills of reading for detail and speaking for accuracy and fluency
Procedure (43-55 minutes)
* write chocolate /ˈtʃɒklət/ on the board * Hand out chocolates to everyone * Tell my little personal anecdote about chocolate
* Show Ss the top half of HO 1. Ss to read the questions and guess how their partner would answer. * CCQ for (several) if needed - Is it more than one? yes, Is it many? yes * Put Ss in pairs and give the HO. * When they are finished they need to ask the Qs to their partner to check if they guessed correctly. * FB - check whats an alcoholic and a workaholic and Ss answer. * Ask who is a chocoholic?
* On the WB write - chocolate is good for you chips are good for you * The verb (Is) after chocolate is it singular or plural? singular (highlight no 's' after chocolate) * The verb (are) after chips is it singular or plural? plural (note the 's' after chips) * What are chocolate and chips ? nouns * Show the 2nd half of HO 1 and explain that all the words in the box are singular. Ss need to decide which words are countable and uncountable . If a word is countable then use the plural form * Ss complete in pairs while I monitor & check for accuracy & prompt to get Ss to self-correct if necessary * Ss to check answers on the answer key on the wall
* Show Ss HO 2 (top half) - they need to complete the sentences with countable/uncountable * Give HO2 Ss to complete alone while I monitor * Check the answers with a partner 1) countable 2) uncountable *Ask Ss if any nouns can be both countable and uncountable ? chocolate can be because it is in a liquid form (chocolate) and you can also have chocolates in a box of chocolates (a chocolate) * In pairs complete the second half of HO 2 * check answers as a whole class (beer, cake, coffee, salad, whisky, yoghurt
* Show HO 3 - quantifier task * Work in pairs - fill in the gaps with many/much then decide which answer is NOT possible * Give HO 3 Ss complete in pairs * Give everyone a chocolate bar and tell them the answers are on the back
* draw my chart on the WB (see teacher notes) * Ss to work in pairs/small groups to decide where to put the quantifiers in the previous task in the columns * Ss to come to the write board to write the answers * FB and deal with any problems
* Drill - How many phone calls have you made? How much money have you spent? * Ss to ask the Qs to everyone, answers can be like the examples or their own * Monitor and take notes for any problems with TL for delayed error correction * Take FB - did you have the same answers? * Delayed error correction if there is any and if there is time