Mariam Mariam


Abc Hand-outs from English File Elementary, Whiteboard, Overhead projector, Pictures of words

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of the past simple in the context of historical characters

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist in the context of historical characters


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • to generate interest in the context of target language ( past simple )

1.Show a picture on the OHD for a late artists and public figures to elicit past simple sentences. 2.Try to elicit their jobs from the ss by asking questions about their jobs. Do you know him/her? yes What was his/her job? He/she was an actor/ess. Do you know them? yes, they were actors and singers. 3.Write some of their ans on the WB. 4.Highlight the auxiliaries was, were. 5.Ask ss what do you think our topic for today? Some of them will say past simple.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1.Make the ss listen to audio 5.1 to match the presidents' first name and surname. 2.Demo the first one with ss, then make them match the rest of the names. 3.Make ss check in pairs then provide them with them the ans. key. 4.Make ss listen to audio 5.2 to fill in the gaps. 5.Demo the first one or two gaps with then let them complete. 6.Make ss check in pairs then play the audio one more time, provide them with the answer key.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the past simple.

1.Use the elicited sentences explain the past simple tense meaning, form and pronunciation. 2.Analyze the sentence: She was an actress. She ...subject was ...helping verb (auxiliary verb) an... article actress....noun. 3.Use CCQs to check the meaning of the past simple tense Is this actress still alive? No. 4.The form subject+ was/ were + noun. is.....was are.....were 5.Tell them that, this is the positive form. 6.Explain the negative form was....wasn't were.....weren't Drill the pronunciation of the sentences. ( She wasn't happy) ( They weren't hungry) 7.Explain the question form (Was she an actress?) (Were we sad?)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide ss with controlled practice of the target language to encourage accuracy.

1.Distribute a handout with small paragraph about Faten Hamama, and ask them to read quickly to answer the given question. 2.Make ss answer question no.2 to complete the sentences using (was / were) 3.Ask them to check in pairs, then ask one of the ss to answer no.1 on the WB and another to answer no.2 4.Divide ss into 2 groups of A and B then give each group a table with missing information about a character then ask each ss to hide the paper from his/her partner and in order to complete the table they have to ask each other questions. What was his first name? Which president? When was he born? Where was he born? Where were his parents?

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide ss with freer practice of the target language in a more authentic context and promote fluency.

1.Ask a ss a question of Where did go yesterday?, Was it funny?, Why was it funny?, 2.Then make this ss another ss the same questions in open pairs. 3.Tell them to ask their partners the same questions. 4.Monitor while they are speaking, in order to give feedback.

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