Plan #1-Session 1-Tue-(Food or Fuel)
Intermediate level
In this session, students will learn some new words about food. we have some reading tasks and speaking
Main Aims
To provide speaking practice in a questions in the context of food
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist reading practice using a text about foods and cooking in the context of food
Procedure (37-45 minutes)
Speaking (8-10 minutes) • Motivate students to take parts in class
using questions about their country's famous foods and dishes, talk about other countries
Reading (14-15 minutes) • Examine the reading ability of students
Read two interviews in the book and match the question with answers in the interview
Vocabulary (12-15 minutes) • clarify meanings of the new words
Describe the meaning of the new words, use the highlighted words in the text and then do the task D if you have time.
Speaking (3-5 minutes) • to test the new knowledge of the students
talk about the interviews and ask questions in groups of two or three (task E/F)
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