Frea Haandrikman Frea Haandrikman

Frea TP7
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn collocations with the verbs have, go and get. First they look at common collocations with these three words that are often used in describing daily routines. There is a focus on the difference between very similar sounding collocations. Afterwards the students listen to and practice pronunciation. Lastly, the students fill in the text of a comic book using the language they have learned.


Abc Audio 1.59
Abc Audio 1.58

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice with collocations have, go and get in the context of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in the pronunciation of vowels
  • To provide writing practice (of collocations) in the context of daily routines


Lead in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask students what people normally do when they get ready to go to sleep. Show video of mister Bean: getting ready for bed. Ask students what they saw. Elicit "go to bed." If the students do not come up with this collocation, move on to the next stage.

Vocabulary 1 (6-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Refer students to the text they used in the previous lesson. Point out the second sentence [He goes to work...] and explain that go and to work usually go together. Write the three words from the circles on the board. Write "to work" on the board. Instruct the students to fill in the words of page 43 under the three words alone. When students are finished, tell them to peer check. Ask volunteers to write the correct answers on the board.

Optional Vocabulary - meaning (2-3 minutes) • Explain the meaning of the collocations of the first stage

Go over the meaning of the collocations "go to the gym", "have a meeting", "have a drink", unless these were covered in the previous lesson. If explanation is needed, check understanding with CCQs.

Vocabulary 2 (5-7 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language, and explain the language afterwards

Explain that the words under task 2 are not in the text. Instruct students to put this words in the same categories as task 1, but now in pairs. Afterwards, ask volunteers to add them to the board. Go over the meaning of the new collocations, BEFORE going over their pronunciation. Use CCQs.

Vocabulary 3 (4-6 minutes) • To explain the target language

Use powerpoint collocation to explain the difference between go home and get home, and wake up and get up. Ask some volunteers to use the language.

Pronunciation 1 (2-4 minutes) • To provide students with a model of the pronunciation and have them practice.

Listen to track 1.58. Write the four columns on the board, and drill the vowel sounds and then the words.

Pronunciation 2 (5-7 minutes) • To explain and practice pronunciation

Show the printed words of pronunciation task 2. Say each word as you show them. Give each pair printed words, and instruct them to stick them on the board in the right column, according to vowel sound. Listen to track 1.59 Ask pairs if they would like to change the position of any words on the board. Drill pronunciation.

Writing a comic book (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to use the target language

Show students the empty comic book print outs. Explain that the comic is about Bill, and what he does in a normal day. Show a picture of Bill and elicit sentences to describe the picture. Form groups, and instruct students to write their texts next to the pictures in their groups. If there is time left instruct students to swap comic books between pairs, so they can check what their colleagues have written. Monitor and check for common mistakes. Review these at the end of the lesson on the board.

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