Guitty Talberg Guitty Talberg

Collaborative Writing for the Class Newspaper - 1st Drafting stage
Mid Intermediate Year 4 level


In this lesson students will continue the free activity in collaborative writing. The lesson will be dominated by students researching, conducting interviews, drafting and editing some of their articles ready for feedback.


No materials added to this plan yet.

Main Aims

  • • To be able to assess the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements
  • • To be able to apply changes to grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency, e.g. the accurate use of pronouns in sentences
  • • To be able to organise paragraphs in themes by using simple organisational devices such as headings and features for writing newspaper articles

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To be able to extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although
  • • To be able to use conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time and cause
  • • To be able to use alliteration for a catchy title for their news articles


Lead-in (7-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Remind ss groups of their task and return their sheets. Ss should then write a 1st draft of their reports: typing straight into a word processing program will allow easy editing and newspaper features, such as columns and inserting images at the editing and proof-reading stage. Ss need to interview ss from sports day and teachers or head as assigned before doing their drafts. Writers focus on the lead in or hook and remember to use the spidergram. Post up success criteria.

Productive Task(s) - To prepare first drafts and do interviews. (35-45 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss work to draft and complete, reread, evaluate and edit their writing. Encourage referral to success criteria and any tips created in whole-class teaching. Encourage use of writing partners to support evaluation and looking for ways to improve writing. Plenary: Ask ss to read their report so far to a partner. How have they applied the success criteria? What needs to be improved/finished? Ask chn to make a plan for the next writing session (editing, etc.).

Feedback and Error Correction • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Feedback given throughout the session with individual groups. Give suggestions, pinpoint corrections and get ss to check thesaurus for alternative words to help with titles and the use of more powerful words to help with their writing.

Wrap-up and feedback (15-20 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language and to take stock of what is left to do

Editor-in-chief meeting with reporters, where they report back on progress of the drafts, interviews carried out and look at images they propose on using for articles. Ss show their work so far on the white board and explain the material to the other groups so that all can see the progress so far.

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