Carrie Dohe Carrie Dohe

Is there…? Are there…?
false begiinners level


In this lesson, Sts will practice the question form “Is there…?” and “Are there…?” with short answers and negatives. They will do so in the context of talking about cities and neighborhoods, including their own. They will have practice with listening to someone talk about her neighborhood, then practice forming sentences and questions with the TL and practicing the pronunciation of the short answers. Finally, they will write their own sentences to construct a survey, which they will then hold with others in the class.


Abc Question and Answer "Get Ready, Get It Right" exercise
Abc There are two bridges info gap

Main Aims

  • To provide the grammar and practice of “Is there…?” and “Are there…?” and the short answers.
  • Pratice the language of neighborhoods.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in listening for meaning through TL.
  • To provide practice in writing the TL.
  • To provide semi-controlled practice in using the TL orally.


Lead-in with grammatical meaning (12-15 minutes) • To review the foundation of the TL and provide Sts via demonstration, that is, via the exercise, with an explanation of the meaning of there is/are as whether something exists or not.

1. Pass out the pictures for “There are two bridges” (The reference already on section B; I have added it manually to section A). 2. Tell Sts to look at their own picture (not at their neighbors’) and ask them what they see. Elicit language from them regarding mosque, mini-bus, and Bosporus Bridge. 3. Demonstrate the mini-dialogue with a St and tell Sts to work with their partners. 4. Hold up both forms, highlight form A and say there is an airplane. CCQs: Do you see an airplane? Is there an airplane? No. Do you see two bridges? Are there two bridges in form B? No. Are there two bridges in form A? Yes. 5. During FB, begin transitioning to TL of "yes there is, no there isn't."

Grammatical form of TL (6-8 minutes) • To provide Sts with the form of the TL via questions to T

1. Put on WB Sisli. Say, "I live in Sisli." 2. Write a series of neighborhood words on WB and tell Sts to ask about my neighborhood. Write a few sentences and answer their questions. This will model the TL for them. Write their questions and demonstrate the inversion. 3. Show them to use "some" in plural answers and "any in questions.

Pronunciation of TL via backtraining and drilling (2-4 minutes) • To provide Sts with the pronunciation of the TL.

1. Write “Yes, there is”, “No, there isn’t”, “Yes, there are”, “No, there aren’t” on the WB. 2. Talk through and drill the pronunciation emphases and mini-pauses: O oO, O oOo, O oO, O oO. Do this also via backtraining.

Freer practice via writing and speaking (15-20 minutes) • To help Sts deepen their grasp of the TL through productive activities of writing and speaking.

1. Divide the class into pairs. 2. Have them look at the picture of the house and the words floating about it. tell them to write 10 sentences with their partner. 3. When finished, divide them into new pairs and have them ask and answer the questions. 4. Conclude by asking Sts to talk about their partners' neighborhood.

Production via small talk (6-8 minutes) • To help Sts deepen their grasp of the TL through productive activity of speaking.

1. Talk about adding on additional information. 2. Tell Sts to stand up and mingle and practice talking about their neighborhoods.

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