Two Cities
Beginner English level

Main Aims
To provide students with practice in reading for gist and specific information in the context of an article about two cities
Subsidiary Aims
To review vocabulary related to places in a city and to reciew there is/there are to describe places in a city
Procedure (41-52 minutes)
Teacher will set the context for exercise with pictures and visual props. Teacher will elicit ideas and vocabulary related to pictures and review previous lesson. Teacher will ask students what places are there in Istanbul?
Teacher will elicit from students vocabulary through pictures and questions and then drill students for proper pronunciation. Teacher will give students HO for exercise 1. Students will match the pictures to the words. WCF. Students will be given words to match with the pictures of the vocabulary on the WB to check their answers on exercise 1.
Teacher will have students write 5 sentences about Istanbul using target vocabulary and there is/there are. Teacher will demonstrate on WB, i.e. "there are two bridges in Istanbul". Students will be called upon to elicit feedback.
Teacher will elicit from students their holiday/vacation experiences through questions and pictures. Poster board of pictures of vacationers. Where have you gone for holiday/vacation? What do you like to do on vacation? Do you like the beach? Museums? Aquarium? Teacher will introduce vocabulary: vacation, aquarium, tourist. Teacher will show pictures of Barcelona and Prague to interest students in learning more about Prague and Barcelona. Teacher will elicit through questions: What do you see? Where is this? Teacher will elicit WCB.
Teacher will pair students. Teacher will ask students what they know about the two cities prior to reading. Teacher will give students 3 minutes to read brochures on Barcelona and Prague. Teacher will elicit through verbal questions what they learned from the brochures about each city. Q: What places did you read about in the brochures? Parks? Rivers? Transportation?
Teacher will again pair students. Teacher will give exercise 3 to be completed after second reading about Barcelona and Spain, this time with reading for detail in text. Teacher will elicit from students using verbal cues the answers to exercise 3 (B for Barcelona/P for Prague).
Teacher will elicit from students places they have visited or travelled to. With given city/place, students will pair up and ask 3 questions and answer 3 questions about their city using there is/there isn't or there are/there aren't responses. Teacher will monitor for feedback.