Jaballa Jaballa

Celta TP 4
Beg A1 level


In this lesson students will learn about there is / there are in the positive form with ( a, some, a lot of ) through a guided discovery based on reading text about Ali and his city Benghazi, this is fallowed by reading for gist and details, after this students will be presented with the question form of ( there is / there are )


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Main Aims

  • By the end of lesson sts will have practiced the positive form of ( There is / There are ) in the context of Talking About Your City/Town

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson sts will have practiced reading for gist and speacific information in the context of talking about your city / town about Ali
  • By the end of the lesson sts will have practiced writing for accuracy in the context of talking about their own town or city
  • By the end of the lesson sts will have practiced speaking for accuracy talking about their city or town
  • By the end of the lesson sts will be presented with some ( places in the town or city ) vocabulary


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students, to check key vocabulary that will be used in the fallowing activity

T puts on the WB a photo of shopping center and a building T writes on the WB 1- a building 2- a shopping center T asks students to match the pictures to the words T chests out the HO T gives the HO (F2F beginner p46) T asks SS to match the words to the pictures SS work alone SS check in pairs T check answers on the WB with noticing the pronunciation mistakes T addresses them quickly T CCQ to convey the meaning

Pre-Reading (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Ask SS to look at the picture T ( this is Ali from the Istanbul) T. Does he like living in Istanbul? Elicit yes, he does , no she doesn't T ask SS to read the text and listen see if he likes living in London T reads the script SS check in pairs T WCFB Yes, he does

Exposure / While-Reading (3-5 minutes) • to provide context for the target language through a text and to provide students with more challenging detailed. reading for specific information

T Example on WB ( 1- Istanbul is in the USA.? ) (2- It’s a very beautiful city.) T elicits the answers (1- F) (2-T ) T point out the answer Student write true or false SS do the same in Ex 1 SS check in pairs T class check with random SS Answers ( 1- F, 2- T, 3- F 4-F 5-T ) T WC check the false sentences and correct them on WB

Highlighting/Clarification (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and to clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T chests out the HO T ask Students to match 3 sentences to 3 pictures SS monitors to check understanding SS work in pairs T puts the same 3 pictures from the HO on the WB T elicits the answers under each picture 1- There is a, 2-There are some 3- There are a lot T under lines ( a, are some, are a lot of) T CCQ example. (There is a ) for many people or 1 person T Drills it

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T on the WB There ................ beautiful river T elicits ('s) T chests out the the HO T asks the SS to write ( is / are ) SS work alone SS check in pairs T WCFB on WB Answers (2-are 3-'s 4-are 5-'s 6-are 7-'s 8-are)

This Stage is optional. It depends on the time of the previous Stages (Semi-Controlled Practice) (4-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T on the WB .................... a bag on the chair. T elicits ( there is ) T point out he HO Ex 5 T asks SS to write ( There is / There are ) SS work alone SS check in pairs T WCFB

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T on WB a park an airport some rivers T point out this my list T asks the SS to make their own list T ask SS to get a piece of paper and pen T monitor and check T On the WB There is a park in Istanbul T point out this my sentences T ask SS to write three sentences like the one on WB T demonstrate with one of the SS by taking his list and pointing it out to the SS and then make a sentence out of it T monitors and check SS accuracy T asks SS work in pairs and tell each others about their city or town T WC discussion by asking random SS to tell one or two of their sentences

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