Ekaterina Ekaterina

Passive voice Grammar
B1 level


Ss will practise the Passive Voice (PV) in the context of a reading passage "The Green Wall of China". Ss are at B1 level, they were first introduced to the Passive Voice at A2 level (Present Simple and Past Simple Passive Voice), thus, the topic is not completely new and it will give confidence; Ss will have an opportunity to extend awareness of the previously met language and focus on different aspects of the target language (TL); this will help Ss acquire notice the gap and acquire new language features. 1. At the Warm up stage, Ss will have an opportunity to notice PV constructions. 2. At Highlighting stage, the models of the TL will be introduced to help Ss to work out the CCQs; TL models provide reception-to production cycle and facilitate the process of achieving accuracy. 3. Then Ss will procede to Guided discovery stages. 4. Controlled and semi-controlled practice will provide a focus on form and accuracy and help develop automaticity. Ss will have a written record to review the lesson later. 5. At the end, Ss will play a game "What has been added" to practise PV orally. Assumptions: Ss are in English prep classes, they need to develop necessary EAP skills to undertake further study. The given lesson features the following opportunities for this development: - Analysis of the TL through contrasting items is helpful to understand the meaning and form, to promote accuracy and memorization; analysis is employed in TBL. - Guided discovery develops problem-solving skills; Ss can test their knowledge and notice the gap; Ss can formulate the rules by themselves (more understandable for themselves); it develops responsibility for one’s own knowledge. - Bottom-up appproach practice: scan the text and identify familiar lexical/grammar items. - In CCQ test and exercise B (find the Passive voice constructions in the text) Ss should synthesize the information, select the answer/grammar items and justify their choice, thus, they demonstrate an understanding of the TL and rules. - Jumbled sentences are congnitively challenging, allows for noticing the gap, reflects both real-life conditions and EAP needs (turn Active voice into Passive – similar to summarize and retell a story). - Opportunities for interaction and freer discussion and authentic language use: at warm-up, through group/pair work, the final game. - The use of the song at the final stage (listen to the song and draw what you hear) provides authentic listening practice.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Passive voice in the context of "The Green Wall of China"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice (in "What has been added" game) in Passive voice


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To continue the context set in the previous lesson and engage Ss, to allow Ss to notice the target language, to familiarize Ss with the teacher

T introduces the main stages of the lesson: revise the text from the previous lesson, grammar focus, a game at the end. T points at the whiteboard with the tree on it and says “This tree has been made to help you revise the text. There are 10 lemons with numbers on the tree. 7 of them contain the information from the text. 3 numbers are extra. You work in 2 groups - a pink group and a blue group. Each group receives the text (HO1 to each S) and a set of cards, you have 3 minutes to scan the text and find out which number belongs to which card. You can attach only one card to each number. For example, the pink team was the first to attach a card to number 7, this means that the blue team cannot attach a card to this number anymore. The team that attached the highest number of the cards wins." T explains - when the time if over, Ss will hear the sound (gong audio). During the game, T monitors whether Ss notice PV constructions (e.g. Ss speak them out). ICQ: - do we work in groups or individually? (in groups) - how much time do you have to complete the task? (3 mins) - do you stop playing when you hear the gong? (yes) - can we attach a card to the number if there is already a card attached? (no, one number-one card) - how many extra numbers do we have? (3) When the game is over, T says: "These three extra numbers contain the information about me, you should guess what they mean". Ss guess.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw Ss' attention to the target language, to provide models of the target language

Each S receives HO2. T tells Ss to look at Grammar exercise A. Ss are called on at random to give the answers.

Clarification - guided discovery (5-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target language, to allow Ss to test their understanding of the target language

Each S receives HO3 to work with CCQ. Ss work in pairs. ICQ: - do we work individually or in pairs? (in pairs) - how much time do we have to complete the task? (3 mins) - do we stop working when we hear the gong? (yes) T monitors, in 5 mins Ss are called on at random to give the answers. If Ss experience difficulties, T provides clarification.

Clarification - guided discovery (8-10 minutes) • To provide more examples of the target language, to allow Ss to test their understanding of the target language

Ss are split into 2 (or 4) groups. Ss use HO1 (text) and HO2 (exercise B). Ss have to find and underline the examples of the PV in the text. The groups compete - which group finds more examples during the given time. In 3 mins, T checks the number of the examples found. ICQ: - do we work individually or in groups? (in groups) - how much time do we have to complete the task? (3 mins) - do we stop working when we hear the gong? (yes) T draws attention to get-passive voice ("Ordinary people have got involved too") and impersonal passive voice ("It is also believed..."). Clarification 4 mins. Clarification of get-passive: In get-passive voice, the verb “get” replaces the verb “be” and is used as the auxiliary verb. Get-passive voice can be used only with action verbs (as opposed to stative): get involved, get married BUT NOT get known, get believed. Sometimes, get-passive clarifies the difference between the action and the state: People got involved (action) VS People were involved (state). Clarification of impersonal passive: it is used with some intransitive verbs of perception (know, believe, notice, say, think) when the agent is unknown or unclear.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide clear focus on the target language, to provide focus on accuracy, to provide written record of the target language

HO2, Grammar exercise C. Individual work. T gives answers on the board. ICQ: - do we work individually or in groups? (individually) - how much time do we have to complete the task? (3 mins) - do we stop working when we hear the gong? (yes)

Semi-Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare Ss for free practice

Ss work in groups (2 or 4). Each group receives a set of jumbled sentences in PV (HO4, 4 sentences from the text "The Green Wall of China", originally in Active). In HO4, the sentences are given in Active voice, Ss should turn them into PV interrogative form. Ss have 3 mins to rearrange the words. Then Ss have 3 mins to mingle and check the answers. İCQ: - do we work individually or in groups? (in groups) - do we make Active or Passive voice sentences? (Passive) - do we form affirmative or interrogative sentences? (interrogative) - how much time do we have to complete the task? (3 mins) - do we stop working when we hear the gong? (yes) - do we start mingling before the teacher says "Now you can mingle"? (no)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The whiteboard is devided into 2 parts. Ss are split into 2 groups, each group receives dry erase markers. T starts playing a song "Lemon tree", while the song is playing, Ss draw a tree and what else they hear in the song. When T stops the music, Ss stop drawing. Then one S leaves a class for 30 sec. While the S is outside, the opposite group adds something on the picture of the S's group. S comes back and has to guess what has been added. S has to use Passive voice to descrive what has been added. Before the game starts, T gives examples of the verbs to use and examples of sentences: "Two lemons have been removed". "A child has been drawn". Verbs: add, picture, erase, present, portray, remove, draw, pencil, sketch. Ss will take turns to guess the objects, each Ss has 30 seconds to guess.

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