Μακρινα Κορυφιδου Μακρινα Κορυφιδου

Vocabulary and Speaking practice
B1 level


Abc A board and a marker
Abc Cards
Abc Worksheet
Abc Scenarios

Main Aims

  • The aim of this lesson is to present idioms and fixed expressions connected to love/relationships and practise them through exercices.The lesson will also provide speaking fluency on the same topic through pair work and role play activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To help Ss work with songs as an enjoyable classroom activity


Warmer/Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will play the song "Pretty woman" on my phone and the Ss will have to order some of the lines in the correct order .The aim is to introduce them to the topic smoothly .They may come with answers like women,beauty,fashion etc.

Exposure (17-20 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through pictures

I have photocopied 8 pictures connected to the topic.I will try to elicit answers like 'fall in love ,get married ,like each other etc'.I will write the answers next to the pictures and also provide them with another idiom -expression eg.'have a crush on sb,tie the knot ,hit it off' etc.Help them grasp the words with CCQs.in this way Ss will contextualise vocabulary through pictures.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and gradually prepare them for speaking practice

Hand out worksheet 1 with vocabulary previously explained and taught and tell them to find the right answers in pairs.Ss answer and we check the answers together.

Controlled Speaking Activity (8-10 minutes) • With the help of the previously -taught vocabulary Ss talk about the topic

Pick up cards with questions written on them.In pairs they ask one another questions related to the topic.They are exposed to the vocabulary once again and practise their speaking skills.

Free Practice (15-20 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Hand out a photocopy with different scenarios .In pairs they have to prepare a dialogue based on the scenario given.They can always have a look at the board with the target vocabulary.Do the first one together .Act out the Sdialogues!

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