dina dina


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of reported speech in the context of daily life situations and responses

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of daily life situations and responses


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will start the lesson by telling students what I did yesterday. I will tell them some examples from daily life with the addition of a dream in which I saw I was invisible.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

I will ask students what they did yesterday. I will ask other students to tell what they heard. I will elicit some answers in the target language, and write them on the board. I will ask students what is the difference between the direct and indirect sentences they see. After eliciting the answers I will highlight the important parts of the direct and indirect speech.

Task (5-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

I will group the students into four teams, give them two sets of papers, one in orange and one in yellow. In one color writes a direct and in the other writes the matching indirect speech. I will ask the teams to match the papers together. As a whole class activity, we will control the answers.

Planning (4-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' reports

I will tell a story about a detective who tries to solve a robbery. I will draw the house, and each person's answers to the detective when asked what were they doing. I will ask the students to tell me who is lying while using the target language.

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