Betsy Eckman Betsy Eckman

TP1 new
Upper-Intermediate level


Abc Signature Handout
Abc Reading/Listening about Graphology
Abc Listening Answers

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about graphology and signatures

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss practice in speaking for fluency


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

to get students (Ss) interested in the topic – Put Ss into groups and ask each group to all put their signatures on one piece of paper. Keep it for a later activity (post-listening). Ss look at the signatures on p10. Ss in their groups discuss if they recognize any of the signatures and if they know anything about the people who wrote them (ex6b). Take some general feedback (FB).

Pre-Listening #1 (5-8 minutes) • To provide Ss practice with vocabulary needed for the listening tasks.

Focus Ss on ex6c – Ss read by themselves, then discuss their ideas. Take some general FB. Pre-teach any blocking vocabulary. (1.17-1.20), e.g. legible, illegible, initials, angle, rising, descending, horizontal.)

While Listening 1:gist (5-5 minutes) • an easier task for general understanding

an easier task – for example listening for gist (general understanding). Explain the students about the gist listening for the headings of each listening task. Allow time for peer-checking, then take whole-class feedback (w/c FB).

While-Listening 2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with a more challenging listening task with more detail

a more challenging task for Ss to listen for more detail (ex 6d). Ss do the listening exercises and notetaking as per the Teacher’s book, completing the notes as they go. Peer-check, and then, if needed, play some/all again. As FB, you could provide the tapescript for Ss to check and then confirm answers on the board.

Post-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To allow students to respond to the text and do a follow-up task

to allow Ss to respond to the text and give their opinions or to do a follow-up task on a similar topic and some productive skills.. For ex6f, Ss can look at their signatures from the lead-in. to allow Ss to respond to the text and give their opinions or to do a follow-up task on a similar topic and some productive skills (speaking and/or writing) in groups/pairs. Use ex6e,f, g - to give students a chance to relate to and personalize the topic. For ex6f, Ss can look at their signatures from the lead-in. Monitor while Ss are speaking and listen out for any interesting points to discuss in w/c FB.

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