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Copy of TP3 Listening Lesson Plan
Upper Intermediate level


This lesson is basically a listening lesson in the context of martial arts. It provides students with some vocabulary about martial arts with pictures in lead-in stage. It enables students to learn to discuss about the reasons for doing martial arts in pre-listening stage to especially personalize the topic and get ready for while-listening stages. This lesson also enables students to improve their speaking skills as well as listening skills by talking on a few questions about the related listening texts as post-activity.


Abc Pictures
Abc TP3 Material Students' Copy
Abc Pictures
Abc TP3 Material Students' Copy

Main Aims

  • To provide students with practice in listening for gist, specific information and detailed comprehension in the context of martial arts.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with practice in speaking for fluency.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Provide students with a 1-minute-video about martial arts to elicit and set the context of the lesson. Ask CCQs to elicit the meaning of martial art: -Is it a kind of sport? (yes). -Does it include violence? (probably, sometimes) -Is it a kind of fighting sport? (yes) To attract their attract their attention more and also check whether students are familiar with the kinds of martial arts, give a picture matching activity in powerpoint. Model and drill chorally and then individually for the words that they have difficulties in pronunciation.

Pre-Listening (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Ask students to work in groups of three by nominating them A, B, C and asking the same letters to come together because in the first two lessons, they have talked with the same people. To prepare them for listening texts, ask them to talk to their group members about martial sports they are familiar with and five reasons for doing martial arts 2 minutes. To be sure whether students undertand the instructions clearly, give an example: -For example, I am familiar with taewondo, and I think the reason may be for doing taekwondo is to train mind and body. Monitor the students while they are talking to each other and help them when they need. Ask each group to talk about their answers by nominating a member from each group by calling his/her name.

While-Listening #1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening task

Set the task listening for general understanding by asking them to listen to Kevin Coles talking about his experiences and to find his connection to martial arts. To teach how to listen for the gist, tell them to focus on just the related question. To check their understanding for the instruction, ask ICQ and CCQ: -What is the question that we need to focus on while listening? (his connection to martial arts) -By asking his connection to martial arts, do I mean he may be a wrestler, judo player or a trainer? (yes) After listening, ask them to compare their answer 30 seconds and then to give the answer by nominating especially the weaker students by calling their names. Elicit black belt and also clarify it by showing a photo of the degrees of black belt.

While-Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more focused specific information listening task

Set the same listening task again for specific information. Teach them how to listen for specific information by giving the instructions (listen to Kevin Coles again and put the topics (a-h) in order (1-8) and saying 'now you need to focus on 8 items while listening'. To check their understanding for instructions, ask ICQs: -Are you going to write a word or sentence while listening? (no) -Are you going to write a number? (yes) -Why? (to put them in order) Provide the handouts for the students and ask them to read the items quickly. Elicit some vocabulary to check their understanding (react to and have an impact on) by asking CCQs: - (react to) Do I hide my feelings? (no) - (react to) Do I show my emotions? (yes) - (have an impact on) Do I have a bad effect on something/somebody? (no) - (have an impact on) Do I have an important effect then? (yes) After being sure, they all understand the intructions and the items, ask them to listen to the text. After listening, ask them to compare their answers. If the time is enough, the listening script may be showed to elicit the answers.

While-Listening#3 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening task

Ask students to listen the second part of the interview and answer the questions. Remind them to focus on the related comprehension questions: 'Is karate a hobby or a way of life for most people?' and 'Give at least two reasons why people start karate'. Ask ICQs to check their understanding: -Should I write a word or a sentence as answers? (yes) -What should I focus on while listening? (two comphension questions) Give the handouts after being sure they understand the instructions well. After listening, ask them to compare their answers in pairs. Show the answer key on the smart board and you can also show the listening script and elicit the answers if the time is enough.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ask them to be groups of three. Give the instructions: Discuss the following questions ('After listening to this interview, are you motivated to take up a martial art? Explain your reason(s)' and 'How inspirational do you find Kevin Coles as a teacher?' Before giving the handouts, show the questions on the board and elicit the meanings of the words take up and inspirational by asking CCQs: - (take up) Am I interested in spending time a martial art? (yes) - (take up) Do I hate doing it? (no) - (inspirational) Does it discourage? (no) - (inspirational) Does it encourage? (yes) So is it positive or negative? (positive) After being sure they understand the questions, give them 3 minutes to discuss the questions and the handouts. Monitor them while they are talking and take notes for plenary feedback (good ideas or some things to improve)

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