Pedro Sampaio Pedro Sampaio

Teaching Practice 1 lesson
Elementary level


In this lesson, students read through a text in order to talk about likes and dislikes, jobs and uniforms.


Abc Students Book
Abc Find Someone Who
Abc Worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss practice in reading for gist, specific info and deducing meaning from context using a text about the pros and cons of wearing uniforms in the context of work

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice Present Simple questions and short answers for accuracy


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Use the pictures in the book to elicit the jobs of characters in the text. Write their names on the board and ask "What is his/her job?" (Jon is a Flight Attendant, Marie is a Chemist and Sarah is a Student.) Elicit the word uniform by asking what pointing out Sarah and asking about her clothes. (Students have uniforms). To check if they have understood, ask them (What is the uniform of Turkish students?)

Pre-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Elicit/Teach the meaning of `for` and `against` after showing the title of the text. (For = I like it/ Against = I don't like it). Ask Ss to predict who is going to be for and against wearing uniforms only by looking at the pictures. Help them by presenting the following language (I think ____ likes/doesn't like wearing a uniform because ___). Then, give out folded handouts showing only their names and photos, not the text. Ss then discuss this in small groups for 3 minutes. After that, they check with their peers for another minute. Finally, the teacher does whole class feedback.

While-Reading 1 (4-6 minutes) • To read the text for gist and check their predictions

The teacher tells students that they're going to read a text and check if they were right about their guesses. Ask them to read the text and match the names and the paragraphs. Finally, ask students to unfold their handouts, revealing the text. Set a time limit of 1 minute. Students peer-check before whole-class feedback, that will be done by nominating a student to give the correct answer and asking the others if they agree and where they got the answer from.

While-Reading 2 (4-6 minutes) • To guess the meaning of unknown words from context

Teacher gives out worksheets with pictures to small groups. Ss look at the highlighted words in the text and try to match them with the pictures. Set a time limit of 2 or 3 minutes for this. Ss peer check before whole-class feedback, that will be done by showing the picture and asking the group what the correct answer is. If Ss struggle with pronouncing any words, drill them.

While-Reading 3 (3-5 minutes) • To read for specific information

Students do exercise 6c individually, then peer check before whole-class feedback.

Post-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To encourage oral fluency through personalizing the topics in the text.

Ss discuss the questions in the exercise 6d in small groups. Teacher monitors discreetly and takes general feedback focused on solving any problems students may have with pronunciation or accuracy.

Follow up (7-9 minutes) • To practice asking accurate questions and short answers in Present Simple (Teachers Book p215)

Write on the board (I like wearing a uniform) and ask students (True or false?). There will probably be mixed answers, so the teacher asks them to ask a question to find it out. Elicit 'Do you like wearing a uniform?'. Write it down on the board. Afterwards, erase 'like wearing uniforms', leaving only 'Do you ?' on the board. Elicit a few more questions with this format. After that, tell Ss they will ask these questions to their classmates. Give out the 'Find Someone Who' worksheets to each student and ask them to stand up and mingle. Teacher monitors discreetly and takes some general delayed feedback.

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