Carrie Dohe Carrie Dohe

present simple and wh-word questions
false beginners level


In this lesson, the Sts will learn the present simple with the personal pronouns I and you and learn to answer a series of Wh-questions in present simple. We will review the language of free time activities and wh- question words before the Sts construct wh-word questions and then implement them in a survey.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of the present simple with the personal subject pronouns I and you in the context of wh- questions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To learn and practice vocabulary of free time activities.


Lead-in (5 minutes) • To remind or introduce to Sts vocabulary for free time activities that they can use later in the session.

1. Write on WB “Free time.” 2. Say “you are at school right now. This is class. Is this free time? I am teaching. Is this my free time? No. work time ≠ free time. School time ≠ free time. Do you play tennis in your free time? Do you watch TV? Do you go out with friends? 3. Show pictures and explain, “These people all have free time. They do different things in their free time. Look at the pictures and match to the words.” 4. Have Sts check answers with a partner. 5. Review by calling on individual Sts.

Preparation Stage (2-3 minutes) • To review wh- question words with Sts to prepare them for the next stage of forming wh- questions.

1. Write two columns on WB: who, what, when, where and today, Istanbul, my friend, my mobile phone 2. Tell Sts to match the wh- words with their pairs.

Controlled practice: Word order of wh- questions (8-10 minutes) • To reinforce Sts’ understanding of word order in present simple questions with wh- words.

1. Form Sts into groups of 3 and 4. 2. Give them prepared questions. The words of each question are printed individually on flashcards and shuffled. All the words on printed in one color of ink except for the auxiliary “do”, which is printed in a different color. 3. Demonstrate with one stack what to do: the Sts have to sort the words of each stack into the right word order to form the question correctly. Once finished, they write the sentence on WB and write the auxiliary “do” in a different color. 4. Have Sts work in groups. 5. Check accuracy in WC response.

Drilling (3-5 minutes) • To drill the pronunciation of “do you”.

1. Point to a question, to “do you” and say it out loud. 2. Tell Sts to listen and repeat. 3. Write /djə/ on WB and repeat.

Controlled practice: Recall of wh- questions (7-9 minutes) • To get Sts to recall the sentences they just constructed and say them after receiving a stimulus answer.

1. Erase questions from WB. 2. Write one answer to an erased question and demonstrate, “here is the answer. What is the question?“ 3. Pin other answers on the WB, hand out HO and tell students to fold it to hide the survey part. Tell them to write the question in the first space. 4. They work in pairs to generate the other questions.

Freer practice, partial production: Survey (10-12 minutes) • To provide freer practice and more open conversation practice through a survey. The question-asking is given, but the answers are open-ended.

1. Tell Sts to unfold page. 2. Demonstrate with St the asking of questions and writing in the answers. 3. Tell Sts to stand up, mingle and talk to three other students, filling in the answers.

Production • To provide free speaking practice of the TL. I will not give this exercise a time limit because it depends on how fast the Sts move through the survey and how many problems I detect during it.

1. As Sts finish with their third partner, I will take their survey and tell them to go talk to someone without the questions in front of them. 2. To finish the class, I will tell Sts to sit down and then quickly pose some closing questions based on the answers to the surveys, questions that prep them for the following lesson, i.e., “Ali Fuot, does Fatma like Mexican food? Who else likes Mexican food?” etc.

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