Assignment Reading
intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Risky play in the context of Children's lifestyle
Subsidiary Aims
To provide product writing practice of a Letter in the context of Comments
Procedure (32-45 minutes)
- T sets the context by telling SS an anecdote to get SS into the lesson. - T elicits information about similar situations or SS' opinions, to engage whole class into the topic.
- T pre-teaches vocabulary by drilling and highlighting the form on the board, using symbols to mark the stress. (adolescents, obesity, cyberbullies, self-esteem, and motto). -T gives a handout to the SS to work alone that includes a gap filling task, providing the new vocabulary in a box at the top of the page, and ask ICQ: - Are you going to work alone or in pairs? -alone. -T ask SS to check their answers in pairs, then provide an answer key on the board.
-T writes on the board 3 titles, only one is correct, then gives SS a handout of the text, gives clear instructions to read individually quickly and choose the most suitable title.T asks ICQ: -Are you going to read quickly or slowly? - quickly -Are you going to read alone or in pairs? - alone -SS discuss in pairs, T elicits possible answers from SS then give a feedback. -T asks CCQ: -What is the text about? - overprotecting a child/ risky children etc. -Is this article from a book or internet ? - internet
-T gives SS a worksheet includes 2 tasks, then gives clear instruction that they have to read looking for specific information to answer these tasks. - T demos the first task(matching the percentages mentioned in the text to each study) then SS will be asked to do the rest individually. T monitors. SS will check their answers in pairs then T provides an answer key on the board. - T demos the second task and ask SS to work in pairs ( Find words in the text that means same words in the list) T use ICQ: -are you going to work alone or in pairs? - pairs -SS check their answers in groups. T provides an answer key on the board.
-T writes the title on the board , helping SS to brainstorm their ideas and what they remember from the text. -T provides a worksheet includes a writing task asking SS to write an email to the author of the position statement, to share their point of view and their comments. -T monitor and gives feedback.