Sam Sam

present simple affirmative statements about personal details
beginner level


This lesson will be focussing using a simple reading text about three people's lives to generate practive for the students using present simple personal statements about their lives.


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Main Aims

  • For the students to practice speaking affirmative statements about personal imformation

Subsidiary Aims

  • For the students to practice scan reading for particular imformation


lead in (8-10 minutes) • to generate students attention to the TL and generate some controlled practice it

I get the Sts to repeat phrases and then stick pics to the WB with speech bubbles then a student comes to the front to write them in the speech bubbles Then I use the same phrases about myself writing them on the board in columns and I ask a student where are you from? what's your job? how do you go to work? and write their answers on the WB to model clearly then they practice in pairs

personalised model and pair work (4-5 minutes) • to demonstrate how to use TL and give them a chance to practice it

Then I use the same phrases about myself writing them on the board in columns then I ask a student where are you from? how do you go to work? and write their answers on the WB then they practice in pairs

group reading task (10-14 minutes) • For the students to practice scan reading

I get the students into three groups of four-ish and say you will read and write answers for the questions about the reading. then I reshuffle the groups to compare all the information from the reading

whole class survey (12-15 minutes) • to generate free practice speaking

I show the survey and demonstrate it for them then the class are given the survey handout and they mingle and ask each other information to fill it in

sharing info with the class (4-5 minutes) • to review the TL together

I ask a few SS to share their info about each other

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