High Intermediate/Low Advanced level


In this lesson students will be able to listen for key words, and develop critical thinking


Abc Ted Ed textbook

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information in the context of "Don't eat the Marshmallow!"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a presentation in the context of success


Lead-in, pre-listening reading (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T gives Ss 1 m to read about Joachim de Posada. T pairs up Ss to discuss questions in part 1 on page 41. T gives Ss 3 minutes to discuss. Feedback: T calls on one S to hear what they talked about for Q 1. T then instructs S to pick someone else in the class to answer Q 2 and so forth.

Pre-Listening Vocabulary (6-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T introduces vocabulary. T pronounces words naturally, T elicits number of syllables and elicits from Ss, intonation. Ss guess the meaning from Part 2, Page 41. Feedback: Ss peer check. T provides answer key.

While Listening #1 (8-15 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

T gives Ss 30 seconds to read the questions that they need to answer while watching the video. Video (6:20) Feedback: Peer check, T calls on Idv Ss T may have to play video again

While Listening #2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging specific information listening task

T plays video again, up to 1:24. Ss pick the correct options. FB: peer check, T plays video with subtitles, T provides answer key

While Listening #3 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging specific information listening task

T plays video from 1:24 to 2:47. Ss listen and complete. Feedback: Ss Peer check, T plays with subtitles, answer key

While Listening #4 (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening task

T instructs Ss to answer questions about what the marshmallow lesson was about. T divides students into pairs. One partner does evens and the other partner does odds. Ss Ind answer their questions. T may have to play the video a second time. FB: Ss share their answer with each other. T goes over possible answers.

Post Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond and expand on what they've learned

Ss work in pairs to complete the sentences in their own words. Feedback: Each pair groups with another pair behind or beside them to share their answers. T hands each group a board marker. Each group writes a response for each up on the board. reason: this will lead into the subsidiary aim.

Critical Thinking pre-speaking activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond and expand on what they've learned

T writes on the board (or gives out a slip) "Learning to wait and having self discipline are key factors for success in life." T models different kinds arguments against the quote. Ss will have 3 minutes to discuss with their partner, arguments AGAINST the quote. FB: After the time is up, Ss read comments in Part 7. Ss discuss which comments they agree with.

Presentation skills #1 (6-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond and expand on what they've learned

In pairs, Ss discuss questions for 2 minutes. Ss then compare their ideas with tips in Part 10. T make have to pre-teach “tips”. FB: T shows the first 2 minutes of TED video. Ss check which techniques Joachim uses. T calls on ind Ss to check answers.

Presentation #2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond and expand on what they've learned

In pairs, Ss must explain the marshmallow experiment to the their partners. Ss will have 2 minutes. Ss will then explain the experiment to one other person in class. T facilitates.

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